Il naso è la chiave per respirare e giocare una parte nel gusto e nell'odore.
12-05-2017 05-06-2023Naso
Il naso è la chiave per respirare e giocare una parte nel gusto e nell'odore.
Clearing a stuffy nose while sleeping
Mr Mike O`Connell
A stuffy nose is something that bothers us all at some point, particularly when we have a cold. However, for some people a stuffy or congested nose is an ever-present problem and they need to see a nose specialist or rhinologist to sort it out. Mr Michael O'Connell, an expert consultant ENT and nasal plastic surgeon explains what causes a persistent blocked nose and how you can treat it throughout the night. Mostrare di più
A complete guide to choosing rhinoplasty surgery
Mr Santdeep Paun
With an increasing number of surgeons and clinics offering rhinoplasty surgery, it’s getting more and more difficult to identify the best care available. Here to guide you through the process is Mr Santdeep Paun. As well as being one of the best nose surgeons in London, Mr Paun is in regular contact with top rhinoplasty clinics at international conferences. Mostrare di più
Nosebleeds in children: what are the causes and is it normal?
Mr Prince Modayil
As a parent, it can be worrying to see your child experiencing a nosebleed, but fortunately, in most cases, it really is nothing to worry about. Here, one of our expert ENT specialists Mr Prince Modayil explains just how common nosebleeds are, the possible causes and when to take your little one to see a doctor. Mostrare di più
Top 5 causes of a blocked nose
Professor Paul Chatrath
What is causing your blocked nose? Prof Paul Chatrath is a distinguished consultant ear, nose and throat surgeon based in London and Essex. In this article, he lists the top five causes of a blocked nose. Mostrare di più
Medici esperti in Naso
Mr Tony McGilligan
OtorinolaringoiatriaEsperto in:
- Naso
- Sinusite
- Disfagia
- Poliposi nasale
- Collo
- Otorinolaringoiatria infantile
Mr Hugh Wheatley
OtorinolaringoiatriaEsperto in:
- Naso
- Collo
- Tonsillectomia
- Deglutizione difficile (Disfagia)
- Alterazioni della voce
- Disturbi della ghiandola tiroidea
Dr Natalie Brookes
OtorinolaringoiatriaEsperto in:
- Rinoplastica
- Chirurgia endoscopica naso sinusale
- Tonsillectomia
- Naso
- Chirurgia plastica facciale
- Rinologia
Mr Parag Patel
OtorinolaringoiatriaEsperto in:
- Otorinolaringoiatria infantile
- Allergia
- Otoiatria
- Acufeni
- Naso
- Sinusite
- Visualizzare tutti
The Harley Street ENT Clinic
The Harley Street ENT Clinic
109 Harley Street, London, W1G 6AN
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Top Doctors
New Victoria Hospital
New Victoria Hospital
184 Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7EG
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Top Doctors
The Harley Street ENT Clinic
109 Harley Street, London, W1G 6AN, Central LondonEsperto in:
- Naso chiuso
- endoscopia
- Impianti uditivi
- Otite
- Perdita di udito
- Riflusso gastrico
New Victoria Hospital
184 Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7EG, South LondonEsperto in:
- Cardiologia
- Chirurgia generale
- Chirurgia ortopedica
- Chirurgia plastica
- Gestione del dolore
- Colonna vertebrale