Disturbi della ghiandola pituitaria
Pituitary gland problems: Key signs to be aware of
Dr Atir Khan
The pituitary gland plays a crucial role in overseeing various bodily functions. We learn more in this informative guide from highly esteemed consultant physician specialising in diabetes and endocrinology Dr Atir Khan. The leading specialist highlights the primary signs of potential issues with the pituitary gland and offers insight on when to seek medical advice. Mostrare di più
The pituitary gland: Key functions and treatments
Professor Sze May Ng OBE
The pituitary gland, a vital regulator nestled in the brain, plays a crucial role in controlling various bodily functions through hormone secretion. In her latest online article, Professor Sze May Ng provides an overview of the gland's functions, the causes and detection of pituitary disorders, and the treatments available. Professor Ng discusses common disorders like prolactinoma and the challenges posed by rare conditions such as craniopharyngioma, aiming to offer insights into managing these complex health issues. Mostrare di più
Medici esperti in Disturbi della ghiandola pituitaria
Professor Barbara McGowan
Endocrinologia, Diabetes & MetabolismEsperto in:
- Disturbi delle ghiandole surrenali
- Disturbi della ghiandola pituitaria
- Ovaio policistico
- Infertilità
- Obesità
- Tiroide
Professor Kevin Shotliff
Endocrinologia, Diabetes & MetabolismEsperto in:
- Diabete
- Disturbi della ghiandola tiroidea
- Disturbi delle ghiandole surrenali
- Disturbi della ghiandola pituitaria
Professor Sze May Ng OBE
Endocrinologia infantileEsperto in:
- Patologia della pubertà
- Pediatria
- Disturbo generalizzato dello sviluppo
- Tiroide
- Disturbi della ghiandola pituitaria
- Diabete
Dr Sanjay Saraf
Endocrinologia, Diabetes & MetabolismEsperto in:
- Tiroide
- Disturbi delle ghiandole surrenali
- Disturbi della ghiandola pituitaria
- Diabete
- Osteoporosi
- Iperparatiroidismo
Dr Syed Haris Ahmed
Endocrinologia, Diabetes & MetabolismEsperto in:
- Disturbi della ghiandola tiroidea
- Disturbi delle ghiandole surrenali
- Disturbi della ghiandola pituitaria
- Diabete
- Osteoporosi
- Transessualità
- Visualizzare tutti
The Beardwood Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Beardwood Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Preston New Rd, Blackburn BB2 7AE
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Top Doctors
The Park Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Park Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Sherwood Lodge Drive, Burntstump Country Park, Arnold, Nottinghamshire NG5 8RX
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Top Doctors
New Victoria Hospital
New Victoria Hospital
184 Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7EG
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Top Doctors
The Beardwood Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Preston New Rd, Blackburn BB2 7AE , BlackburnEsperto in:
- Tumori
- Cardiologia
- Chirurgia generale
- Chirurgia ortopedica
- Dermatologia
- Diagnostica per immagini
The Park Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Sherwood Lodge Drive, Burntstump Country Park, Arnold, Nottinghamshire NG5 8RX, ArnoldEsperto in:
- Chirurgia generale
- Chirurgia maxillo facciale
- Chirurgia orale
- Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice
- Ginecologia e Ostetricia
- Podologia
New Victoria Hospital
184 Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7EG, South LondonEsperto in:
- Cardiologia
- Chirurgia generale
- Chirurgia ortopedica
- Chirurgia plastica
- Gestione del dolore
- Colonna vertebrale
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