Vídeos del Professor Ali Noorani
Orthopaedic surgeon Mr. Ali Noorani: the treatment of tennis elbow using injections
Upper limb orthopaedic surgeon Mr. Ali Noorani discusses one of his specialities - the benefits of using injections for treatment of tennis elbow. PRP has become an increasingly popular treatment option for professional athletes as well as those who have strained their outer elbow tendons Tennis Elbow Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) occurs when the tendon which joins your forearm muscles to the outside of your elbow thickens and swells or develops small tears. It causes pain and tenderness. It typically affects the dominant upper extremity and is associated with repetitive and forceful activity. Pain is often most debilitating with wrist extension. Golfer's Elbow Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) causes pain and inflammation in the tendons which connect the forearm to the elbow. The pain revolves around a bony bump on the inside of your elbow and may radiate into the forearm. Golfer’s elbow is often caused by overusing the muscles in the forearm that allow you to grip, rotate your arm, and flex your wrist. Diagnosis The Regenerative Clinic’s one stop clinic offers a competitive fixed price diagnostics package to ensure a prompt diagnosis, fast and appropriate treatment. This includes a consultation with an upper limb orthopaedic specialist, an MRI and a X-ray. This will ensure that your condition is diagnosed and that we can commence the correct treatment pathway. The price of our one stop clinic is £450. Treatment There are a proportion of patients who fail to respond to conservative treatments such as rest, activity modification, physiotherapy and the use of a brace. Though previously a common treatment modality steroid injections have been shown to be detrimental in the longer term. Present practice is to offer those patients who do not respond to conservative treatment surgical debridement. Though often effective, this is an invasive procedure.