Vídeos de la Dr Rasha Al-Lamee

CRT 2019: ORBITA In Review - Dr Rasha Al-Lamee подробнее

AHA 19: Commentary On The ISCHEMIA Trial — Dr Rasha Al-Lamee подробнее

Commentary: ISCHEMIA with Rasha Al-Lamee подробнее

Placebo-controlled trials in intervention: Insights from the ORBITA trial подробнее

EuroPCR 2018: ORBITA - Impact Of FFR And IFR On Efficacy Of Coronary Angioplasty - Dr Rasha Al Lamee подробнее

The ORBITA trial - EuroPCR 2018 подробнее

TCT 2017 | ORBITA подробнее

Results from the ORBITA trial: A study of heart stents in patients with stable angina подробнее

Randomised Blinded Investigation With Optimal Medical Therapy of Angioplasty in Stable Angina подробнее

Commentary: ISCHEMIA-CKD with Rasha Al Lamee подробнее

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