Vídeos de la Dr Rasha Al-Lamee

CRT 2019: ORBITA In Review - Dr Rasha Al-Lamee


Dr Rasha Al-Lamee (Imperial College London, London, UK) discusses the ORBITA trial. One year later, what has changed? Filmed on site at CRT 2019 by Radcliffe Cardiology Questions: 1. Can you give us a short narrative of the ORBITA story to date? 2. What are the key lessons ORBITA has taught you? 3. What will be ORBITAs legacy? 4. What further research can we expect to see from ORBITA and when? See more videos here : https://www.radcliffecardiology.com/video-gallery radcliffecardiology.com is a dynamic, digitally-focused producer & publisher of Cardiovascular, Renal and Metabolic (CVRM) content for physicians worldwide. Radcliffe Cardiology also has a dedicated eLearning platform, RC Academy, which uses innovative platforms to host digital webinars, live case broadcasts and video roundtable discussions. RC Academy : https://www.radcliffecardiology.com/radcliffe-cardiology-academy

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