Dundee Outpatient Centre - part of Circle Health Group

Dundee Outpatient Centre - part of Circle Health Group 0808 3048 913 Heal Physiotherapy, 14 Dudhope Street, Dundee DD1 1JU
5 5 1 180
(180) valoraciones verificadas

Centro especializado en:

Физиотерапия Урология ортопедическая хирур�... Плечо и локоть Общая хирургия

Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel

The Dundee Outpatient Centre is in collaboration between Kings Park Hospital in Stirling and Heal Physiotherapy in Dundee, offering local outpatient clinics to private patients in the Tayside region. Located in Dundee city centre, the Dundee Outpatient Centre provides appointments to patients with local consultants across a range of specialties.

Any patients requiring surgery will have this carried out at Kings Park Hospital in Stirling, with patients returning to the Dundee Outpatient Centre for any follow-up consultations. Patients will be seen by the same consultant throughout the entirety of their treatment journey.

El centro

Dundee Outpatient Centre - part of Circle Health Group

Heal Physiotherapy, 14 Dudhope Street, Dundee DD1 1JU, Dundee, Dundee

Seguros médicos compatibles con este centro

Alliance Health Group
See more

Imágenes del centro

Cuadro médico del centro

Mr Amit Putti


Эксперт в области:

Вращательная манжета Артроскопия плечевог�... Плечо Синдром запястного ка... Хирургия кисти Тендинит сухожилий ки...

PIDE CITA AHORA: El servicio de gestión de cita es gratuito

Book directly with a consultant at this Hospital below

Mr Amit Putti
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