All about breast cancer awareness

Escrito por: Mr Haresh Devalia
Publicado: | Actualizado: 03/02/2025
Editado por: Jessica Wise

Breast cancer awareness refers to knowing about the signs of breast cancer so that diagnosis and treatment can start as soon as possible. In this article, a consultant breast and oncoplastic surgeon shares how to practice breast cancer awareness.



Who is at risk of getting breast cancer?

Breast cancer is the number one cancer in women, and there are nearly 2.3 million new cases yearly. It can affect any woman, but those who are most likely to contract it include those who have family members who have had breast cancer, those who had an early period (before 12 years old) or premature menopause (before 55 years old), those who in menopause are undergoing hormone replacement therapy, smokers, and those who have genetic mutations such as BRCA1 and BRCA2.


How can breast cancer be detected?

Breast cancer screening programmes find on average cancer in nine out of every thousand patients. It is a vital tool for early diagnosis.

Women between the ages of 50 to 70 years old are typically invited to undergo breast cancer screening every three years, but women who are younger can choose to undergo one sooner if they have concerns, though their risk of breast cancer is much lower. Breast screenings are conducted with a mammogram, which is a special X-ray designed for the breasts where scans are taken of the top and the sides of each breast. Patients should get their results within a month. 

But for the time in-between screenings, or for those who aren’t invited to get a screening, practicing self-awareness and doing self-examinations can also help patients stay on top of their breast health.


What are the signs of breast cancer?

Breast cancer in its earliest stages, when it is also the easiest to treat, is more subtle and does not have many overt symptoms. It will likely be localised in the lymph nodes of the underarm or in breast tissue. At more advanced stages, it will likely have spread to other parts of the chest or other organs, and be very deeply rooted, requiring aggressive and intensive treatments that can be costly and draining for patients. The key is to become familiar with what is and what isn’t normal to establish a personal context of breast health.

It is normal for the breasts to change, and they typically shift monthly throughout the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy and post-partum – they can swell or shrink, change in sensitivity, and form benign lumps like fibroadenomas or cysts (which may be uncomfortable but aren’t life-threatening).

When conducting a self-examination of the breasts, take note of:

  • New lumps in the breast and underarm
  • Nipple discharge or bleeding
  • Irregular swelling
  • Changes in size or shape
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit
  • Nipple redness or pain
  • Dimples, puckers, bulges, or ridges
  • Rashes, sores, itchiness, or scaly skin


How can women practice breast cancer awareness?

Women should do a self-exam at least once a month, in the week after menstruating as that is when the breasts have gone down to their normal size and sensitivity. This will help them become more familiar with their breasts’ regular size, texture, and shape, becoming better attuned to noticing anything out of normal. Breast self-examinations become more effective with practice, and patients ideally should make breast self-examination a habit as soon as they begin developing breasts as it can be pivotal in seeking diagnosis for actual issues.

First, examine the breasts in the mirror from the front and sides, and with arms both up and down. Take note of any asymmetries between the two breasts. Using the hand opposite to the breast you are examining, sweep across and over all around the breast – up and down, left to right. After you have done both breasts, you can start feeling around more thoroughly for any bumps, ridges, or masses. The breast tissues span from the underarm area to the sternum to the clavicle, and include the nipples, so be sure to include these areas in your examination. Keep in mind to use the pads of the fingers, as they are the most sensitive part of the hand and will be able to pick up on small details, and change the pressure of your fingers throughout each step of the exam to feel the tissue at different depths underneath the surface of the skin. Being methodical with your examination technique is the most efficient way to conduct a complete, in-depth exam. Any abnormalities should be reported to your GP.


For concerns regarding breast cancer, consult a specialist on Top Doctors today.

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Por Mr Haresh Devalia
общая хирургия

Г-н Хэреш Девалия - ведущий хирург по пластической, онкопластической , реконструктивной и эстетической диагностике молочной железы , практикующий в Лондоне, Мейдстоне и Танбридж-Уэллсе. Он гордится выполнением, а также обучением, высшей хирургической подготовке по спасению груди, чтобы избежать мастэктомии, а также по реконструкции. Он специализируется на увеличении груди, уменьшении груди и подтяжке груди среди различных других аспектов операции на груди.

Г-н Девалия является одним из первых десяти хирургов молочной железы, сертифицированных в области косметической хирургии молочной железы Королевским колледжем хирургов Англии. Он является председателем отделения рака молочной железы в Кенте (TSSG), отвечая за предоставление рекомендаций и поддержание высокого уровня медицинской помощи в округе.

Вместе со своим партнером по практике г-ном Мохсином Дани он получил награду « Лучшие онкопластические и эстетические хирурги груди в Англии » за образцовую работу, включая продвинутую технику консервативной хирургии молочной железы с использованием местного перфорационного клапана.

Г-н Девалия получил квалификацию в Бомбейском университете в 1995 году, прежде чем завершить свое высшее хирургическое обучение в Оксфордском и Лондонском деканатах, а также в Королевской больнице Марсдена и в больнице Святого Георгия в Лондоне. Г-н Девалия был сертифицирован как « Лучший студент на национальном уровне » в области общей хирургии и был награжден золотой медалью . Он также является научным руководителем для стажеров, обучающихся как косметическим, так и конструктивным процедурам. Его работа по клиническому ведению рака молочной железы была широко опубликована в журналах.

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