Artículos del centro: Moira Wong Orthodontics Более 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Interceptive orthodontic treatment for children

The early diagnosis of children's future dental problems, such as overbites, underbites, jaw deformities and crowded teeth, has several benefits. Dr Moira Wong, a highly experienced dentist with training from both the US and UK, provides a complete and comprehensive explanation about how and why interceptive orthodontic treatment can be so beneficial for children.

Top 5 reasons why adults need braces

Braces were once thought of as a treatment for older children and teenagers – best to have while their jaws are still developing before the teeth settle in adulthood, right? Well, not necessarily. Modern orthodontics recognises that, in fact, the teeth can continue to move at any age, and adults with misaligned teeth may very well benefit from braces too. Esteemed dentist Moira Wong explains:

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