Artículos del doctor: Mr Krishna Moorthy Более 6851 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

How important is it to treat a hernia?

A protruding lump caused by tissue and organs pushing through the muscle wall, might be a hernia. Affecting people of all ages, hernias can develop into dangerous conditions if they are not managed correctly. Mr Krishna Moorthy, highly esteemed surgeon, provides a comprehensive overview of hernias, explaining what are the causes, how important is it to treat a hernia and what are the side effects of hernia surgery.

GORD: An expert answers your burning questions

The risk in developing serious conditions from GORD (acid reflux) such as cancer of the oesophagus is a concerning prospect, particularly as it's becoming more common. Here to offer a comprehensive insight to the condition is leading upper gastrointestinal surgeon Mr Krishna Moorthy. He has put together a two-part article that considers various aspects of GORD. Read part one here.

Personalised approach to GORD by an expert

While everyone experiences minor symptoms of acid reflux at some point, usually following a spicy meal, reflux can become quite problematic in some people when it occurs frequently and in some people it can completely disrupt their life. With a number of available treatment options, selecting one that is suitable and appropriate for an individual can be quite a dilemma. Providing some guidance, experienced consultant surgeon Mr Krishna Moorthy goes into the personalised approach to GORD in this article.

Грыжа пищеводного отверстия диафрагмы: причины, диагностика и хирургия

В отличии от более распространенных видов грыж, расщелина (или хиатальная) грыжа происходит, когда верхняя часть желудка толкает в диафрагму с редко какими-либо заметными симптомами. Ведущий хирург г-н Кришна Мурти объясняет причины, симптомы и лечение грыжи пищеводного отверстия диафрагмы.

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