Falling flat? Misconceptions about flat feet

Escrito por: Mr Thomas Crompton
Publicado: | Actualizado: 31/08/2023
Editado por: Karolyn Judge

Having flat feet might sound like a difficult condition to have, but it’s incredibly common and causes little to no problems, especially in children.


Here, leading consultant orthopaedic surgeon and paediatric specialist, Mr Thomas Crompton, addresses whether flat feet are a problem to be concerned about or a human trait we should embrace.


Child wearing short blue trousers in bare feet, standing on stone


Do flat feet require treatment?


Flat feet in children almost never require any treatment. All children under five or certainly, all children under three will have flat feet. Additionally, we tend to develop an arch in the Western world where we're wearing footwear between the ages of about three and five, if we develop one at all.


Does having flat feet cause medical problems?


About 15 to 20 per cent of adults will have flat feet, and the majority of humans with flat feet will have no problems from them. I have some great examples of people with flat feet. Cristiano Ronaldo and Usain Bolt both have the flattest feet you've ever seen and they are elite athletes with no problems with their feet.


Is having flat feet an old-fashioned diagnosis?


It's quite old fashioned, and probably a generational thing to think of flat feet as a diagnosis. In the majority of children, there is no reason for any treatment or any concern regarding their flat feet.


Are there any reasons why flat feet could lead to medical issues?


There are very few conditions; there's probably about one per cent of children with flat feet who have a problem that's causing them.


That's why it's sometimes reasonable, if your child is having pain from their flat feet, to either see an experienced children's physiotherapist or children's orthopaedic surgeon to rule out any problems with their feet. However, even all the children that see me in clinic, it is very rare that they would need any surgical intervention or even any orthotics.



If you need reassurance or have any queries about flat feet in your child or related issues, visit Mr Thomas Crompton's Top Doctors profile to book an appointment.

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Por Mr Thomas Crompton
детская травматология

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