How a breast reduction can help you physically and emotionally

Escrito por: Mr Haresh Devalia
Editado por: Laura Burgess

For some women living with larger breasts, it can leave them with persistent back pain, but also psychologically, they may feel uncomfortable and unhappy with any unwanted attention being paid to their chest.


Here, Mr Haresh Devalia one of our highly-experienced aesthetic breast surgeons, explains why some women may opt to have the procedure, and the positive effect it can have on their mental wellbeing.

A woman staring into the camera

What common physical problems might women with large breasts face every day?

Women with large breasts may live with pain in their back and neck, poor posture and experience fungal infection underneath the breasts.


Psychologically they might be stressed and uncomfortable if they feel that people are looking at their chest during social situations.


What age is most common for women to have a breast reduction?

We have a lot of young girls with gigantomastia, which is the medical term for having abnormally large breasts. These girls want to have a breast reduction before they go to university as, for them, gigantomastia causes a postural deformity and they can feel embarrassed and uncomfortable socially.


We tend to perform breast reduction on ladies in their 30s or 40s as well as those who suffer with recurrent fungal infection under their breasts.


Can a woman choose their breast size?

Yes, but within the limits. Normally, the reduction size women opt for is a C or D cup and keeping the breast bigger is not a problem. On occasion, some women with big breasts want to go to an E cup, whilst others want to go as small as possible.


Surgery is the easy part for us, which is performed using a number of techniques. The hard work, however, is understanding what the mental image of a size C or D means to the patient. The last thing that we want to do is reduce the breast to size B or D and for the patient to feel like they are too small after surgery. Their mental picture of a size B may be different to the actual size and therefore we try to assess it as best as we can.


Are there any complications women should be aware of?

The important thing is that there are no life threatening complications from breast reduction surgery.


When we do a breast reduction, we mould the breast tissue and lift the breasts and nipples at the same time as making a reduction. We need to move the nipples to a new position so there is a risk, theoretically, to the nerves and blood supply to the nipple and therefore a lack of nipple sensation.


There is the risk of unfavourable scarring and wound failure when the breasts are healing. There is always a risk of asymmetry with the breasts although we try to make them equal in size. The patient may feel that one breast is slightly bigger than the other

Overall, these risks are rare.


How long is the recovery?

Normally, the patient goes home the next day under our care. The breast is fully supported with a sports bra, which is provided by the hospital. The women can get back to normal the next day, however, internal healing can take between three to four weeks.


Therefore, it is commonly advised for ladies to keep their breasts supported by wearing the sports bra, day and night. The sports bra helps to keep the shape and provides support after surgery. After this recovery period, they can then choose whatever bra that they want to wear.


How can breast reduction improve a woman’s emotional wellbeing?

Breast reduction surgery is a life-changing operation for women. Many patients find immense benefits of breast reduction, both physically and psychologically. These women are suddenly much more confident than ever before.


How can I get more information about breast reduction surgery with you?

Further information can be found here ( We also have quite a few patients under our care who are happy to speak to new patients and show photos of the results of their own breast reduction surgery. We can securely show new patients these images if they ask.


If you would like to discuss your breast reduction surgery options with Mr Devalia, you can book an appointment via his Top Doctor’s profile here.

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Por Mr Haresh Devalia
общая хирургия

Г-н Хэреш Девалия - ведущий хирург по пластической, онкопластической , реконструктивной и эстетической диагностике молочной железы , практикующий в Лондоне, Мейдстоне и Танбридж-Уэллсе. Он гордится выполнением, а также обучением, высшей хирургической подготовке по спасению груди, чтобы избежать мастэктомии, а также по реконструкции. Он специализируется на увеличении груди, уменьшении груди и подтяжке груди среди различных других аспектов операции на груди.

Г-н Девалия является одним из первых десяти хирургов молочной железы, сертифицированных в области косметической хирургии молочной железы Королевским колледжем хирургов Англии. Он является председателем отделения рака молочной железы в Кенте (TSSG), отвечая за предоставление рекомендаций и поддержание высокого уровня медицинской помощи в округе.

Вместе со своим партнером по практике г-ном Мохсином Дани он получил награду « Лучшие онкопластические и эстетические хирурги груди в Англии » за образцовую работу, включая продвинутую технику консервативной хирургии молочной железы с использованием местного перфорационного клапана.

Г-н Девалия получил квалификацию в Бомбейском университете в 1995 году, прежде чем завершить свое высшее хирургическое обучение в Оксфордском и Лондонском деканатах, а также в Королевской больнице Марсдена и в больнице Святого Георгия в Лондоне. Г-н Девалия был сертифицирован как « Лучший студент на национальном уровне » в области общей хирургии и был награжден золотой медалью . Он также является научным руководителем для стажеров, обучающихся как косметическим, так и конструктивным процедурам. Его работа по клиническому ведению рака молочной железы была широко опубликована в журналах.

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