Is your toothache a tooth abscess?

Escrito por: Dr Mark Hughes
Publicado: | Actualizado: 28/03/2019
Editado por: Lisa Heffernan

If you’re experiencing a sudden, throbbing pain in your gum, accompanied by swelling, increased pressure and a bad taste in your mouth, you might have an abscess. Abscesses can affect different areas of the mouth, including the teeth, gum tissue and soft tissue around the crown and are caused by a bacterial infection. They can be described as a localisation of pus within the mouth’s tissue.

A gum boil or parulis occurs in the soft tissue of the gum and looks like a small pimple. Gum boils act as drainage points for abscesses that occur at the root of a tooth.                     

Dr Mark Hughes, renowned dentist and founder of Harley Street Dental Studio explains what causes a tooth abscess, who is more likely to get an abscess and what we can all do to avoid one.

Different types of abscesses

There are different types of abscesses. The most common are:

  • Gingival abscesses that stay in the gum and don’t affect the surrounding ligaments. This is caused by gum disease.
  • Periodontal abscesses; these occur due to an infected living tooth. Periodontitis has occurred, when inflammation of the gums or gum disease extends to the ligaments and bone that supports the tooth, leading to the tooth loosening or falling out.
  • Tooth or apical abscesses, caused by tooth decay or trauma that occurs from an infected dead tooth. This abscess starts in the soft pulp of the tooth.

What causes an abscess in the mouth?

There may be many causes of abscesses in the mouth, but the most common is an infection from the inside of a tooth or an infection in the gum and ligament supporting the tooth. Bacteria, often present in plaque can make its way into a tooth and cause infection.

Who is more likely to get an abscess?

Some people are more susceptible to dental diseases than others. For the most part, mouth infections are avoidable and are caused by the long term effects of poor diet or poor oral hygiene. If you do not look after your gums properly, effectively clean your teeth and visit your dentist on a regular basis, you are at a greater risk of developing gum disease or periodontitis.

High sugar consumption is responsible for causing tooth decay, which can ultimately infect the nerves of the teeth causing pain and often extreme pain which leads to an abscess. It is important that diabetics tightly control their blood sugar levels as those with diabetes and smokers are at a greater risk of developing periodontitis and gum disease.

When is an abscess a sign of gum disease or oral cancer?

An abscess that is related to gum disease often presents itself on the gum tissue that surrounds the tooth and can feel like a toothache.

Oral cancer is generally not found on the gum tissue surrounding the tooth, but instead on the tongue or cheeks. There are of course exceptions.

Any abscess or gum lesion that doesn’t go away within 2 weeks should be checked by a dentist immediately.

What tips have you to avoid an abscess and to keep gums healthy?

  • Brush your teeth twice a day
  • Floss
  • See a dental hygienist every 3 to 4 months to avoid gum disease
  • Follow a low sugar, low carb diet to avoid tooth decay
  • Eat sugary foods less frequently during the day
  • If you play a contact sport, make sure to always wear a gum shield

Take good care of your teeth to avoid infections, gum disease and other complications. If you haven’t seen your dentist in a while, now is the time to schedule an appointment.

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Por Dr Mark Hughes

Доктор Марк Хьюз является одним из ведущих косметических стоматологов Великобритании, обладающим значительным опытом и навыками в ортодонтии и эстетической стоматологии. Он является аккредитованным членом Британской академии косметической стоматологии, чрезвычайно престижной, будучи одним из 16 стоматологов в Великобритании. Он является действительным членом Американской академии косметической стоматологии. Доктор Хьюз основал стоматологическую студию Harley Street в 2004 году, а спустя четыре года стал соучредителем известной стоматологической группы Harley Street . Его клиники разделяют видение, предлагая новейшие разработки в области стоматологии и новейшие методики для достижения высококачественных результатов в ортодонтии и косметической стоматологии.

Доктор Хьюз часто появляется в средствах массовой информации, чтобы обсудить свою технику и свои клиники в качестве стоматологического консультанта, и на протяжении многих лет работал с рядом знаменитостей. Благодаря размещению более 10 000 стоматологических виниров и успешному завершению более 1000 процедур Invisalign , доктор Хьюз заслужил свою репутацию стоматолога мирового уровня. Он является ключевым мнением и послом бренда во многих ведущих стоматологических компаниях, а также заинтересован в обучении и образовании, работает наставником для других стоматологов и читает лекции на международном уровне и по всей Великобритании.

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