Дисфункция мейбомиевой железы
Watery eyes: What you should know
Por Mr Tahir Farooq
There are number of potential causes of watery eyes, most of which are easily treated by a specialist. To rule out more serious conditons and to determine why the eyes are shedding excess tears, it is important to undergo an examination promptly. In this informative article, highly respected consultant ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon Mr Tahir Farooq expertly outlines the most common causes of watery eye and the availbale treatment options. подробнее
What causes blepharitis?
Por Mr Myer Mark Yodaiken
Blepharitis is a condition which manifests as dry, burning, scratchy, red, and itchy eyes. The eyelids can become sore and you may experience a gritty feeling in your eyes. Who is affected by blepharitis and what causes it? Expert ophthalmologist Mr Myer Mark Yodaiken explains. подробнее
Treating Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)
Por Mr Pieter Gouws
We spoke with the highly experienced ophthalmologist, Mr Pieter Gouws, to talk about the treatment options that are available for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction—IPL and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. Find out the symptoms of MGD in this article, the benefits of these two procedures, how safe they are, and which is best. подробнее
What is a LipiFlow® procedure?
Por Mr Myer Mark Yodaiken
LipiFlow® heat therapy helps to melt the contents of the meibmomian glands in order to relieve dry eyes. Expert ophthalmologist Mr Myer Yodaiken explains this procedure in a little more detail. подробнее
Врачи-специалисты в области Дисфункция мейбомиевой железы
Safarian & Simon Opticians
Safarian & Simon Opticians
72 St John's Wood High St, London
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Safarian & Simon Opticians Deactivated
72 St John's Wood High St, London
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Safarian & Simon Opticians Deactivated
72 St John's Wood High St, London, Central LondonЭксперт в области :
- Катаракта
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- Сложные глазные условия
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