Фиксация позвоночника с использованием нейронавигатора
Maximise recovery from robotic spinal fusion surgery
Por Mr Edward Seel
Spinal fusion surgery is a procedure used to treat conditions like chronic back pain, scoliosis, or degenerative disc disease by permanently connecting two or more vertebrae in the spine. In recent years, robotic-assisted surgery has revolutionised spinal fusion by offering greater precision, shorter recovery times and improved outcomes for patients. подробнее
Robotic spinal surgery: what you should know
Por Mr Irfan Malik
Robotic spinal surgery is when surgeons use robotic technology to assist during surgeries on the spine and back. Though you may feel apprehensive about putting your life in the hands of a robot (though these robots do not have “hands”, per se), the surgeon is still in the room, leading and participating in the procedure. We asked Mr Irfan Malik, consultant spinal and neurosurgeon, to share why he thinks robotic assistance during spinal surgery is an asset when having to navigate the twisty nuances of the spine. подробнее
Врачи-специалисты в области Фиксация позвоночника с использованием нейронавигатора
Elstree Waterfront Outpatients Centre (HCA)
Elstree Waterfront Outpatients Centre (HCA)
Elstree Road, WD6 3BS
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Top Doctors
London Neurosurgery Partnership
London Neurosurgery Partnership
78 Harley Street W1G 7HJ
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Top Doctors
Platinum Medical Centre (HCA)
Platinum Medical Centre (HCA)
15-17 Lodge Road, NW8 7JA
No existe teléfono en el centro.
Si haces uso de este teléfono facilitado por TOP DOCTORS nos autorizas al tratamiento de tu teléfono para fines estadísticos y comerciales. Para más información, lee nuestra Политика конфиденциальности
Top Doctors
Elstree Waterfront Outpatients Centre (HCA)
Elstree Road, WD6 3BS, ElstreeЭксперт в области :
- Анализ крови
- Кардиология
- Дерматология
- Диагностика при помощи визуализации
- Неврология
- Педиатрия
London Neurosurgery Partnership
78 Harley Street W1G 7HJ, Central LondonЭксперт в области :
- Неврологическая хирургия позвоночника
- Боль в спине
- Нейрохирургия
- Детская нейрохирургия
- Травматология
- Мозговые и спинальные опухоли
Platinum Medical Centre (HCA)
15-17 Lodge Road, NW8 7JA, Central LondonЭксперт в области :
- Гастроэнтерология
- рак
- ортопедическая хирургия
- Диагностика при помощи визуализации
- корешок
- Физиотерапия
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