MIAL Medici Italiani A Londra

MIAL Medici Italiani A Londra 02070888047 9 Harley Street, London
5 5 1 72
(72) valoraciones verificadas

Centro especializado en:

Кардиология Оториноларингологía радиология Неврология Медицина внутренних о... Физиотерапия


72 valoraciones verificadas
Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.
Valoración verificada
A. M 12/07/24
Valoración verificada
Very professional
A. L. I 06/07/24
Valoración verificada
Very thorough and assuring
J. B 10/06/24
Valoración verificada
More than a top cardiologist. She is a holistic doctor and a lovely human. Great overall experience with no waiting time and quick follow-up. Dr. Teresa Castiello went beyond my expectations, I can’t thank her enough.
V. Z 01/06/24
Valoración verificada
Ms. Sammartino operated on me under local anesthetic at Nuffield hospital. I can not thank her enough as she was professional, very knowledgeable and at the same time friendly. She explained all the necessary facts regarding the operation thoroughly which put me at ease.
H. R. E 24/05/24
Valoración verificada
I would highly recommend Dr Castiello. She is very kind and approachable. She listens really well and is very thorough, taking a holistic approach. I am so thankful for her care and the excellent plan she has put in place which involves her team. I now have some hope back.
C. G 18/04/24
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Ms Sammartino offered me close care and attention and all appropriate information. I was so glad it was she that was my surgeon. I am deeply grateful.
U. H 23/03/24
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Dr Fanfoni put my mind at rest and was very caring throughout and I would definitely recommend him
D. G 01/03/24
Valoración verificada
Dr Castiello was very professional , giving me support in a careful way and explaining everything accurately. She was friendly , making me feel comfortable during the visit.
L. P 07/02/24
Valoración verificada
I would thoroughly recommend Dr Castiello. She was professional, kind and helpful, and good at listening. She was also very generous with her time. I left the consultation feeling I was in very good hands. Thank you
A. R 04/02/24

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Dr Teresa Castiello
кардиолог для взрослых
Dr Francesca Mastrolilli
Dr Fabio Fanfoni
Dr Luigi De Michele
Ms Cinzia Sammartino
общий хирург
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