Vídeos del Mr Abdallah Ellabban

Cataract series: Hard White Cataract after anti-VEGF Injection Treatment подробнее

Cataract surgery in real time by Mr Ellabban подробнее

Retinal Surgery: Internal limiting membrane (ILM) peel in Macular hole surgery подробнее

Retinal Surgery: removal of an epiretinal membrane (scar tissue on the surface of the retina) подробнее

Cataract surgery and congenital iris coloboma repair - Single-pass four-throw pupilloplasty подробнее

Toric lens implants for patients with corneal astigmatism подробнее

What is an epiretinal membrane? - Online interview подробнее

An expert's guide to cataracts | Top Doctors подробнее

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