Vídeos del Mr Ahmed-Ramadan Sadek

Neck Power-Up: Key Exercises to treat neck hump & pain |Mr Ahmed-Ramadan Sadek|Neurosurgeon


Welcome to 'Neck Power-Up,' your comprehensive guide to optimizing neck strength and flexibility. Leveraging reliable advice from experts such as the Harvard Health Publishing, Mayo Clinic, and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, we've crafted a routine designed to enhance your neck's overall health. In this video, you'll discover 10 simple yet effective neck exercises that will not only improve your neck's flexibility but also build strength, ensuring good posture and preventing discomfort. These exercises include neck tilts, rotations, lateral stretches, retraction, and many more, each endorsed by credible sources like Cleveland Clinic, Spine-Health, and Physiopedia. Our animation makes it easy to follow along and understand each exercise. Whether you're at home, in the office, or on the go, these exercises are easy to integrate into your routine. All you need is a few minutes a day to make a significant impact on your neck's health. Remember, it's always best to consult a healthcare professional before starting a new exercise routine. References: "4 neck stretches you should do right now (even if your neck feels fine)" - Harvard Health Publishing. "Slide show: Neck exercises" - Mayo Clinic. "Neck Pain Exercise Guide" - American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. "3 Types of Neck Stretches to Help You Work Out the Kinks" - Cleveland Clinic. "Neck Stretches" - Spine-Health. "Neck Exercises" - Physiopedia. "Text Neck Treatment" - American Physical Therapy Association. "Neck pain exercises" - NHS UK. "The Effectiveness of Neck Exercises" - Physical Therapy Journal. "Neck Strengthening Exercises" - Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. "The effects of neck muscle exercises" - Journal of Physical Therapy Science. "The Importance of Neck Exercises" - American Council on Exercise. Let's power-up your neck strength and flexibility! Start your journey with us today."

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