Vídeos del Dr Anshumen Bhagat
The Modern GP - a world of opportunities | Dr Anshumen Bhagat
Use coupon aroravideo10 for 10% off any Arora course: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk/ ► MRCGP AKT Courses: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk/mrcgp-akt-new/ ► MRCGP RCA Courses: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk/mrcgp-rca/ ► MSRA Courses: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk/msra/ ► PLAB 2 Courses: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk/plab-2/ ► PLAB 1 Courses: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk/plab-1/ ► Medical School Courses: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk/medical-school/ ► GPDQ details: https://www.gpdq.co.uk/work-with-us/ ► Free weekly teaching email: http://eepurl.com/duAwXr ► GP Training Blogs: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk/arora-blog/ ► Instagram: (@dr_aman_arora) https://www.instagram.com/dr_aman_arora/ ► Facebook GP Training Support group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/aroraMedicalExamSupport/ ► Facebook PLAB Support group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/aroraPLAB/ ► Twitter: (@aman999arora) https://twitter.com/aman999arora ► LinkedIn: (Dr Aman Arora) https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-aman-arora-66812145/ ► TikTok: (@dramanarora) https://www.tiktok.com/@dramanarora Get inspired. Reach your potential. We have a burning passion to help you fly through your medical exams and maximise your career. Dr Aman Arora has taught over 50,000 doctors globally through a combination of face-to-face, online, audio and social teaching, helping them pass exams such as MRCGP AKT, RCA, MSRA and PLAB. Find out more about Dr Aman and who he has worked with: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk/meet-aman/ #GPtraineeportfolio #traineeportfolio #gptraining #RCGPportfolio #gptraininguk #gptraineeeportfolio #mrcgpakt #mrcgprca #msra #gptrainee *All videos are for educational purposes only and are not to be used for medical advice. *No medical or professional advice can be given on this channel - appropriate qualified medical/legal/professional advice should be sought for clinical, healthcare or professional queries *Guidance is aimed to be relevant and up-to-date at the time of release