Vídeos del Dr Anthony Hammond

Dr Anthony Hammond | Consultant Physician and Rheumatologist


Specialising in the treatment of spinal pain and arthritis Dr. Hammond pro-actively seeks solutions to all the diverse problems patients present. Dr Tony Hammond was educated at Edinburgh Medical School then trained in General Medicine and Rheumatology in Bristol, Bath and London including The Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases (the Mineral Water Hospital), Bath, The Royal Postgraduate Medical School (RPMS), Hammersmith Hospital and St Bart’s Hospital, London. He wrote an MD thesis on the immunopathology of SLE under Professor Sir Mark Walport at the RPMS. He was appointed as a Consultant Physician and Rheumatologist at Maidstone Hospital in 1992 and retired from that post in 2011 to pursue the development of the Kent Institute of Medicine and Surgery (KIMS) of which he was Clinical Chairman till 2017. Clinically, Dr Hammond has established a sub-specialty interest in the minimally invasive interventional management of spinal pain problems with particular advanced practice related to disc-related back pain, slipped disc and sciatica problems. http://dr-hammond.co.uk

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