Vídeos de la Dr Hiba Injibar

Considering a liquid facelift? Here's why you should opt for one - Online interview подробнее

Introduction to Dr Hiba Injibar подробнее

Considering having fractional CO2 laser treatment? Find out what's involved - Online interview подробнее

About Dr Hiba Injibar. Experience Consultant Dermatologist based in Harley Street, London подробнее

Fractional Laser Resurfacing at Dermasurge Clinic - Client Testimonial подробнее

Laser Treatment for facial veins. подробнее

Patient Testimonial for Dermasurge London подробнее

Testimonial for PRP Therapy at Dermasurge London подробнее

Online Dermatology Consultations подробнее

Melasma: "The mask of pregnancy" uncovered - Online interview подробнее

All about dermal fillers - Online interview подробнее

An introduction to Dr Hiba Injibar подробнее

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