• Почетный старший преподаватель по гематологии, Лондонский университет Св. Георгия (настоящее время)• Клинический лектор по гематологии, Имперский колледж Лондона (2007 - 2010)
Особые академические заслуги
• MRCP (Великобритания) (1999) - FRCP (Лонд) (2015)• FRCPath (2009)
• Доктор философии исследования в области редких кровоточивостью, University College London (2000 - 2004)• MBBS, University College London (1996)• Бакалавр (с отличием) медицинской микробиологии, University College London (1993) ...
Публикации и участие в конференциях
• Опубликовано более 20 рецензируемых статей.• Является автором семи глав книги.
• Докладчик на национальных и международных совещаниях, в частности по антикоагулянтной / тромбоза и переливания крови. ...
*Перевод с переводчиком Google. Мы приносим извинения за любые несовершенства
Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.
Dr Uprichard has been excellent throughout all my appointments with him. I have thalassemia and iron deficiency and he has thoroughly monitored and carefully managed my iron levels throughout my pregnancy. Always joyful and funny, it was great knowing that there was a doctor I could trust throughout the challenging journey of pregnancy. Thank you!
19th January 2024
Written by a private patient
The Doctor was very Rude and intimidating, didn’t listen to me. Because i was 10 minutes late from my appointment so he punished me by 2 hours wait.
I was shocked the way a Doctor behaved by laughing at me and telling me if i want to sit on his chair (“maybe he meant to say : be a Doctor for your self”) while i came all to get some medical advice.
13th October 2023
Written by a private patient
Dr Uprichard, was caring attentive and gave me as much time as I needed.
12th September 2023
Written by a private patient
Excellent, knowledgeable, caring, sense of humor
17th April 2023
Written by a private patient
I had a Zoom consultation to suit me as I would have found it difficult to attend the hospital.
Dr Uprichard was extremely thorough and approachable. He spent as long as necessary to thoroughly explore and discuss my problem. At no time did I feel rushed. The further investigations were arranged immediately at the most convenient location and the follow up appointment set.
All in all it was a very pleasant experience with an obviously knowledgeable colleague and I would have no reservations in recommending him.
3rd March 2023
Written by a private patient
Dr Uprichard is not only extremely intelligent in his specialty, but also very kind and caring. He explains everything clearly and gives all options of how to proceed. I would certainly go back to him and recommend him.
25th February 2023
Written by a private patient
Dr Uprichard is detail-oriented and passionate about his patients.
24th September 2022
Written by a private patient
Very cocky
Rude at some point
I didn’t trust him or what he proposed as my treatment
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Сб 08 Feb.
ВС 09 Feb.
Пн 10 Feb.
Вт 11 Feb.
Ср 12 Feb.
Чт 13 Feb.
Dr James Uprichard
Lo sentimos, pero esta hora acaba de ser reservada por otro usuario. Selecciona otra hora por favor.
Es posible que la primera consulta la realice otro especialista del equipo médico, ¿desea pedir la cita igualmente?
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