Professor John Deanfield
Детский кардиолог в London
BA Hons (Cantab) BChir MB MRCP FRCP
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 2239118
Professor John Deanfield Эксперт в области:
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Professor John Deanfield is a top consultant cardiologist based at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) since 1984, as well as the Heart Hospital, and University College London (UCL) as British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiology. A paediatric cardiologist specialising in congenital heart disease, endothelial function and arrhythmia, Professor Deanfield is a graduate of the University of Cambridge, subsequently training at the Hammersmith and Great Ormond Street Hospitals. He now leads the Vascular Physiology Unit at GOSH, where he and his team are researching the early stages of atherosclerosis from childhood.
Professor Deanfield's work has been published in a variety of medical journals, and serves on the editorial boards of various cardiovascular journals. He also sits on several international medical advisory boards. Professor Deanfield was been awarded the Churchill College Anatomy award in 1970 and the Outstanding Research Award in Paediatric Cardiology by the American Heart Association in 2003, among others.
As well as his work with children with heart conditions, Professor Deanfield's expertise also extends to adults, particularly those suffering from lifelong congenital heart disease.
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