Vídeos del Mr Neil Haldar

Kidney stones: an expert overview of the most effective treatment options - Online interview


Kidney stones are hard stones made up of various minerals and salts that form in one's kidneys due to a variety of different reasons, such as an unhealthy diet, excess body weight and specific types of medication, but to mention a few. In our latest online interview, revered consultant urological surgeon, Mr Neil Haldar, provides an expert analysis of the most effective treatment options available to remove kidney stones. If you are worried about your kidneys and are pondering over whether or not you should undergo surgery to get them removed, you can consult directly with Mr Haldar today by visiting his Top Doctors profile here: https://www.topdoctors.co.uk/doctor/neil-haldar ✔ Follow us on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3fSrqXb ✔ Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3t5kGsW ✔ Follow us on Twitter: https://bit.ly/39TidKh

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