Dr Nick Plowman

Радиационный онколог в London


Dr Nick Plowman Эксперт в области:

Почему это врач высшего уровня?

Dr Nick Plowman is a talented and highly experienced senior clinical oncologist, with particular expertise in radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Dedicated to improving outcomes for patients, his research interests include new cancer treatment techniques and he is focussed on improving cancer survival rates and reducing the side effects of treatment. 

Dr Plowman is an innovator in the field of cancer treatment and has introduced various new treatments that have become standard best practice. Well regarded and respected by his peers, he has contributed over 300 research papers in clinical oncology. 

Now based in London, he graduated with a double first from Cambridge and studied at the historic Guy's hospital. Today, he is one of the most experienced oncologists in the country.

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