Vídeos del Dr Sahil Patel

A visual representation of teeth whitening подробнее

The Evolution of Teeth #85 with Dr Sahil Patel подробнее

Gum scoring at the Marylebone Clinic: Part II подробнее

Aesthetic dental treatments available at the Marleybone Smile Clinic подробнее

Teeth whitening in detail - Online interview подробнее

Dental tourism: what to consider before undergoing treatment abroad подробнее

Teeth whitening in detail - Part 2 - Online interview подробнее

Dog therapy at the Marylebone Smile Clinic подробнее

All about jaw joint health подробнее

What does a cosmetic consultation entail? подробнее

The Truth Behind "Veneers" In Turkey - Dr Sahil Patel London's Leading Cosmetic Dentist подробнее

How to floss correctly: A quick guide подробнее

All about jaw joint health - part 2 подробнее

What can I expect from my visit to a cosmetic dentist? подробнее

Gum scoring at the Marylebone Smile Clinic подробнее

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