Vídeos de la Dr Theodora Kalentzi

My menopause journey - Sally's Story | Medical Prime


Sally's Story: My menopause journey Sally shares her remarkable personal journey from having “really debilitating symptoms” and “ … thinking at the time that I was falling apart” to undertaking a 10,000 journey to Antarctica. “(Before treatment)…. I wouldn't have wanted to win this prize …. but I accepted the prize without even batting an eyelid ….. I just thought yeah I'm up for it, there is life after menopause…” “… meeting you (Dr Kalentzi) and taking the HRT ….. has been such a boost to me” ----------------------------------- Visit Our Website: https://www.medicalprime.co.uk/private-menopause-clinic/ FOLLOW US AT: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MedicalPrimeUK/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/medicalprimeuk

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