All about facial feminisation surgery

Escrito por: Mr Ivo Gwanmesia
Publicado: | Actualizado: 06/01/2025
Editado por: Conor Lynch

Facial feminisation surgery (FFS) encompasses a range of surgical procedures designed to transform masculine facial features into more traditionally feminine ones. Often sought by transgender women and non-binary individuals, FFS addresses specific facial characteristics to help align one’s physical appearance with their gender identity, which can be deeply empowering. The main areas of focus in FFS include the brow, nose, jawline, and hairline, with each procedure tailored to harmonise with the individual's unique features.

Common procedures in facial feminisation surgery

One of the common procedures in FFS is a brow lift, which alters the shape and height of the brows, creating a softer, more open expression by smoothing the forehead and raising the brows. This is often combined with hairline advancement to reduce the prominence of a high forehead, which can add a feminine contour to the upper face.


Rhinoplasty, or nasal surgery, is also frequently part of FFS. Subtle adjustments to the nasal bridge, tip, and overall shape can create a softer profile, helping align the nose with other feminine facial features.


Jaw reshaping and chin contouring are also central to FFS. Generally, these procedures reduce the prominence of the jaw and refine the chin, which helps create a more delicate, traditionally feminine lower face. Surgeons may contour or reduce the chin to make it narrower and rounder and shave down the jawline to create a softer outline. In some cases, lip augmentation is also performed, adding fullness to the lips, which can further enhance a feminised facial appearance.


FFS has significant psychological benefits as well, often aiding in reducing gender dysphoria and helping individuals feel more comfortable in their bodies. These surgeries require precision, advanced surgical techniques, and an understanding of both aesthetic preferences and functional anatomy. Facial feminisation procedures are typically customised for each patient, and the process often involves a combination of surgeries over multiple sessions, allowing for careful attention to detail and gradual transformation.



Recovery from FFS can take several weeks to months, depending on the number of procedures and their complexity. Many patients report that the results are life-changing, as FFS enables them to look in the mirror and see their true selves reflected. As a result, facial feminisation surgery has become a transformative option in gender-affirming healthcare, helping many individuals achieve a greater sense of identity and self-confidence.

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Por Mr Ivo Gwanmesia
пластическая хирургия

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