An analysis of obesity's relationship with ADHD

Escrito por: Dr Nick Walsh
Editado por: Aoife Maguire

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obesity might seem like separate health issues, but new research shows they are linked in complex ways. While usually seen as different problems, new evidence reveals that ADHD symptoms and obesity often affect each other, creating a complicated situation for people dealing with both. Dr Nick Walsh shares his insights in his latest online article.


Understanding the connection

ADHD, known for symptoms like impulsiveness, lack of focus, and high energy, is often tied to problems with self-control and behaviour. Obesity, a long-term condition where too much body fat builds up, often results from a mix of genetic, environmental, and behaviour factors, such as bad eating habits and not enough exercise.


Common underlying causes

What links these two conditions? A key factor is shared issues with brain functions, especially those related to planning and reward. Research shows that people with ADHD may have trouble with executive functions like self-control, planning, and decision-making, which can lead to bad eating habits and difficulty sticking to diets. Also, both ADHD and obesity are connected to problems with the brain's dopamine system, which affects how we feel pleasure and motivation. This issue can cause more impulsive behaviour and a stronger response to rewarding things like food, leading to overeating and weight gain.


Two-way relationship

The link between ADHD and obesity goes both ways. People with ADHD might be more likely to become obese due to problems with self-control and impulsive choices, leading to poor eating and lack of exercise. On the flip side, being obese can make ADHD symptoms worse through factors like inflammation, hormone imbalances, and low self-esteem.


Impact on treatment and management

Understanding the link between ADHD and obesity is crucial for treatment. Approaches that address both conditions at the same time, like behavioural therapy, diet advice, and medication, may work better than treating each separately. Encouraging healthy habits, such as regular exercise and balanced diets, can help reduce obesity risks and improve overall health in people with ADHD.


Dr Nick Walsh is a respected consultant general adult and liaison psychiatrist. You can book an appointment with him on his Top Doctors profile.

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Por Dr Nick Walsh

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