Are labiaplasty results permanent?

Escrito por: Miss Kerstin Oestreich
Editado por: Conor Lynch

Here, in this article below, esteemed plastic, cosmetic, and hand surgeon, Miss Kerstin Oestreich, provides us with an insightful guide with regards to labiaplasty surgery.

How is labiaplasty performed?

It involves resection of some skin around the labia which sometimes can be too large and protrude. If you have a protrusion, some of that skin can undergo resection. There are various types of doing this: either you can just trim the edge or you can take a wedge out of the labia, depending on the clinical findings.


What can patients expect on the day of the surgery?

It depends on whether you will have it done under local anaesthesia or if you will be asleep. Either way, after you have arrived at the hospital, we will see you in the clinic and take your informed consent a second time.


Then, we do some marking at the area we are going to resect. Then, we take you to the operating theatre. The operation takes roughly between 60 and 90 minutes.


Afterwards, you will come back to the recovery room. You can usually go home one hour or two after the surgery.


Is labiaplasty painful?

Labiaplasty is actually extremely well tolerated. There will be some swelling and tenderness, but nothing too painful. The swelling and tenderness typically only last for a couple of days after labiaplasty surgery.


What is recovery like?

For the first five to seven days after labiaplasty surgery, patients will notice a bit of swelling and bruising. The recovery, though, is usually very well tolerated. Sexual intercourse should be refrained from for between two to three weeks.


Are labiaplasty results permanent?

Labiaplasty resection is permanent. However, with ageing, everything gets thinner. There may be some skin laxity in these cases. There will be scars at the resection line but it is almost entirely invisible.


To book an appointment with Miss Kerstin Oestreich today, just head over to her Top Doctors profile.

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Por Miss Kerstin Oestreich
пластическая хирургия

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