Bronchiectasis: Symptoms, treatment and outlook

Escrito por: Dr James Ramsay
Publicado: | Actualizado: 31/08/2023
Editado por: Laura Burgess

Bronchiectasis is a condition that affects the airways of the lungs. The airways become widened and thickened, which means that they produce and secrete more mucus than normal. This enables germs to live and breed within the lungs, and it can become difficult for patients to clear the secretions. Patients with bronchiectasis are very likely to have recurrent chest infections.


We were fortunate to ask renowned respiratory medicine consultant, Dr James Ramsay, all about the condition, including how it might compare to symptoms of lung cancer, other possible conditions that may be linked to bronchiectasis, and what the outlook may be.


A woman in bed blowing her nose.


How can you tell the difference between bronchiectasis and lung cancer?


A lot of the symptoms that patients with lung cancer develop are similar to bronchiectasis. The main symptoms of both conditions include chronic cough, recurrent chest infection, shortness of breathchest pain and coughing up blood.


As the symptoms can be similar, it can be difficult to distinguish between the two. However, there are some features with lung cancer that we call red flags. These include symptoms of:

This list of red flag symptoms for lung cancer is very similar to some symptoms of bronchiectasis.


Your doctor will be really careful when taking your history and they will incorporate the physical findings of an examination. They will proceed with a chest X-ray and CT scan to have a better understanding.


How is bronchiectasis managed?


Bronchiectasis can be managed by your doctor using any of the following:

  • Immunisation – flu or pneumonia vaccine and childhood immunisation for whooping cough and measles.
  • Chest physiotherapy - respiratory physiotherapy can teach you a number of breathing exercises. If you do this regularly, it helps to clear secretions and prevent infections.
  • Medications – can be prescribed to help minimise future infections. This may include inhaled therapies to open the airways and, in some instances, inhaled steroids. These help to keep the airways open. Drugs called mucolytics may also be used to help clear lung secretions.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics – antibiotics are used to treat infective episodes, they can also prevent future infections. This may include low dose oral antibiotics or nebulized antibiotics, such as a mist inhaler.



Is bronchiectasis hereditary and what other diseases can be linked to the condition?


Bronchiectasis can be either:


Some people are more susceptible to bronchiectasis if they have inherited conditions such as cystic fibrosis or low immunoglobin levels (chemicals that we produce that fight infection), called hypogammaglobulinemia. A rarer cause of bronchiectasis is primary ciliary dyskinesia, which is often found in younger age groups.


If the patient has an underlying problem like asthmachronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or pulmonary fibrosis, it can predispose them to bronchiectasis. This also occurs in people who have had previous infections like pneumonia or whooping coughTuberculosis can cause damage to part of the lung, which can then lead to bronchiectasis. For those who have an immune deficiency, such as HIV, a reduced immunity can predispose them to bronchiectasis.


Long COVID-19 has left patients with many different types of conditions, such as chronic fatigueorgan impairmentshortness of breath, and chest pain. We are seeing some patients with pulmonary fibrosis, which means that there is a potential risk that we might see bronchiectasis in patients who have suffered from COVID-19. However, there is not enough research on coronavirus and bronchiectasis currently, and it is too early to tell whether the conditions could be linked.


What’s the life expectancy of someone with bronchiectasis?


In cases of bronchiectasis, our main concern is to prevent future infections. We want to treat any infections promptly so that the patient can maintain lung function over time. The good news is that the condition is absolutely manageable.


If someone with bronchiectasis has a good management plan and adhere to it, it’s a controllable disease. It may impact someone if they are susceptible to chest infections, but in terms of prognosis, if it is well-managed you prevent further deterioration and minimise the likelihood of progression. It shouldn’t have a significant impact on someone’s long-term outlook.

Dr James Ramsay is an expert in treating bronchiectasis. You can make an appointment with him via his Top Doctor’s profile. Can’t make it in person? Dr Ramsay is available for a video call using our e-Consultation tool, which is also found on his profile.

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Por Dr James Ramsay

Доктор Джеймс Рамсей является опытным консультантом по респираторной медицине , который также имеет квалификацию в области общей внутренней медицины , специализируясь на апноэ во сне, хроническом кашле, раке легких, астме, ХОБЛ и бронхоэктазии. Он предоставляет комплексную частную помощь в Spire Harpenden , Rivers Hospital в Sawbridgeworth и в клинике Cobham в Лутоне.

Доктор Рамсей обучался в Лидсе в учебно-методической больнице всемирно известного Сент-Джеймса. Он успешно завершил высшее обучение в области респираторной и общей внутренней медицины, а также специализированную подготовку по раку легких, интерстициальным заболеваниям легких, легочным инфекциям, включая туберкулез и бронхоэктазию, вентиляцию легких, медицину сна, хронический кашель и легочные сосудистые заболевания. В 2006 году он был назначен консультантом по дыханию для NHS в Университетской больнице Лутона и Данстейбла.

Его вклад в развитие рака легких и улучшение ухода за пациентами привел его к тому, что он стал ведущим специалистом по раку и мезотелиоме, а также медицинским директором в больнице Лутона и Данстейбла. В настоящее время он управляет универсальной клиникой по понедельникам в больнице для пациентов с подозрением на рак легких. Он также имеет специализированную клинику по бронхоэктазии, в которой присутствует респираторный физиотерапевт, который дает советы пациентам.

Доктор Рамсей имеет высокие клинические стандарты, и его клиники включают в себя весь спектр средств визуализации и диагностики для проведения исследования функции легких и исследования сна. Его регулярно просят обучать новый медицинский персонал, и его работа в области рака легких привела к тому, что он стал клиническим лидером по раку для STP Бедфорда, Лутона и Милтона Кейнса.

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