Thermage FLX: Understaning this cutting-edge skin tightening treatment

In her latest online article, renowned consultant advanced aesthetic medicine specialist Dr Tracy Xu offers her expert insight into the revolutionary new anti-ageing treatment, Thermage FLX. She answers her patients’ most frequently asked questions, revealing the numerous benefits of this treatment.

Laser vaginal rejuvenation

Laser vaginal rejuvenation is a non-surgical procedure that some women choose to undergo laser vaginal rejuvenation in order to improve vaginal tone, tightness, and lubrication. Leading cosmetic and sexual aesthetic doctors Dr Sherif El Wakil explains how It works, what results patients can expect and who it is suitable for.

Botox for pain relief: How does it work?

Although Botox is commonly known for its use in anti-ageing treatments, there are many beneficial applications of this form of treatment. In this informative article, highly respected advanced cosmetic doctor and consultant specialist in pain medicine Dr Husham Al-Shather explains how Botox is used as a highly effective, minimally invasive treatment for some types of chronic pain.

Unveiling andropause: Understanding men's midlife hormonal changes

Menopause has long been associated with women, but what about men? Contrary to popular belief, men experience a similar phenomenon called Andropause, a natural process characterised by hormonal shifts that can significantly impact their well-being as they age. Andropause involves a gradual decline in androgen levels, particularly testosterone, as men grow older. Unlike women, who undergo a more abrupt hormonal change, Andropause tends to manifest gradually and varies widely among individuals. In his latest online article, Dr Sherif Wakil, a pioneer in regenerative and functional medicine, sheds light on this under recognised but significant aspect of men's health.

What is a Brazilian butt thread lift?

Here, highly experienced and distinguished locum GP with a special interest in aesthetics and functional medicine, Dr Grace Hula, provides us with expert detail with regards to the Brazilian butt thread lift procedure, including the main benefits of undergoing the surgery, the ideal candidates for it, and how exactly a Brazilian butt thread lift is performed.

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