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Unlocking your full potential: Exploring the world of health optimisation

In a world that places great emphasis on health and well-being, the idea of health optimisation has emerged as a powerful way to achieve more than just being free from illness. It aims to help us reach our full physical, mental, and emotional potential. Health optimisation goes beyond traditional medical treatments, taking a holistic and proactive approach that encourages individuals to make informed choices for a better life. In this article, Dr Natasha Patel will look into the basics of health optimisation, its key principles, and how it can change the way we think about and manage our well-being.

What happens during the menopause?

The menopause is the time in women’s lives that mark the end of all menstrual cycles. In many cases, this leads to symptoms that affect quality of life. Here to provide a detailed insight into the menopause, including symptoms, age of onset and treatment options, is Professor Dushyant Sharma, highly experienced consultant physician in endocrinology.

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