Более 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

What exactly is strabismus?

Strabismus, or squint, occurs when a person's eyes do not correctly align, causing an appearance of an eye that turns inward, outward, or is vertically misaligned. Professor Chris Hammond, an esteemed consultant ophthalmologist practising in London, discusses the condition, outlining how it differs from other conditions such as amblyopia (lazy eye). He also explains the cause and treatments available.

7 signs your sight may be failing

Many people notice a slight deterioration in their quality of vision over the years which can usually be corrected by glasses prescribed by your optometrist. However, the onset of more serious or faster deterioration in vision quality should be examined by a specialist to determine the cause and prevent any further complications. In this article, respected optometrist Mr Robert Longhurst explains seven symptoms of sight deterioratioon that shouldn't be ignored.

LASIK or LASEK surgery? Which is best for me?

Laser eye surgery was introduced in the UK in 1990 and has come a long way since then. It is a type of surgery that helps people rid themselves of glasses or contact lenses. It’s a method of refractive surgery which involves reshaping the cornea (front surface of the eye) in order to correct short-sight, long-sight or astigmatism. Dr CT Pillai talks about the most common form of laser eye surgery; LASIK and then LASEK, an alternative option for anyone unsuitable for LASIK surgery.

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