Considering having your breast implants removed and replaced? Here's what you should know

Escrito por: Mr Venkat Ramakrishnan
Editado por: Conor Lynch

If you previously underwent breast implant surgery and are considering having your breast implants removed and replaced, this article will tell you how this operation is performed, how long it generally takes, and what recovery time entails.


Read our latest article below where revered Brentwood-based plastic surgeon, Mr Venkat Ramakrishnan, provides us with an all-you-need-to-know guide on breast implant removal and replacement surgery.

Can breast implants be removed and replaced?

Yes, they can certainly be removed and replaced safely. The usual reason is because the breast implant has been there for between 15 to 20 years, and as a result, the breast implant can get hard, and the scar tissue around the implant has become so thick, that the implant can’t even be felt anymore.


Sometimes, the scar tissue around the implant can also make the breast implant quite deformed. It is quite a common operation.


How long does it take to remove and replace breast implants?

The first operation (breast implant surgery) to place a breast implant is an hour-long day-case procedure. The patients typically recover from this within four weeks.


However, when we come to a remove-and-replace operation, it is a very different story. Firstly, it is a much longer operation, which typically takes between two to three hours.


Not only do we need to remove the implant, but we also need to remove the surrounding scar tissue. Drains also need to be placed when performing an operation to remove and replace breast implants.


As a result, patients will typically have to stay in hospital for one or two nights after undergoing an operation to remove and replace their breast implants. Patients usually fully recover after about six weeks.


Can you change the type of augmentation, for example, replace an implant with fat?

Yes. There are two main ways to transfer fat: the first is flap surgery, which is what we use in breast reconstruction, where we can take fat from the stomach and place it into the breasts.


With regards to transferring fat to the breasts, in order to effectively increase two cup-sized breasts, you need to place an implant that is roughly 250cc. This, though, cannot be done in one go, but it will more than likely be two sittings.


Each time, you need to harvest roughly a litre of fat from the thigh and thoroughly wash it. Then, we inject 200cc and the patient will have to come back after six months to do this process again. So, yes, in simple terms, you can increase a breast implant’s size with fat, but it is quite costly and laborious.


What are the risks of augmented breast removal and replacement surgery?

When you remove the breast implant and replace it, the scar tissue will of course also be taken out. As a result, the patient’s new breast implant may not fit as perfectly as the previous one.


As a result, the patient may have marginal asymmetry, and some rippling. There is also a risk of infection, bleeding, and a very small risk of damage to the ribs.


Is breast augmentation with removal and replacement cheaper the second time around?

It is much more expensive due to the fact that it is a much longer operation, which includes more time in hospital.


Mr Venkat Ramakrishnan is a highly proficient and esteemed plastic surgeon. If you are considering undergoing an operation to remove and replace your breast implant, contact him directly today via his Top Doctors profile

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Por Mr Venkat Ramakrishnan
пластическая хирургия

Г-н Венкат Рамакришнан - опытный пластический хирург с международной репутацией в области микрохирургической реконструкции молочной железы. Г-н Рамакришнан, специализирующийся в частных клиниках в Брентвуде и Саутенд-он-Си, специализируется в области реконструктивной и косметической хирургии молочной железы , липоскульптуры и подтяжки тела , а также косметической хирургии лица .

Г-н Рамакришнан получил медицинское образование в Мадрасском колледже в 1983 году и прошел обширную подготовку специалистов в Австралии. В 2002 году он был назначен на должность консультанта по пластической хирургии в Центре пластической хирургии Сент-Эндрюса в Челмсфорде, где он в настоящее время возглавляет службу реконструкции молочной железы и проводит более 1000 операций в год. Г-н Рамакришнан известен своей способностью облегчать пациентам и четко объяснять процесс реконструкции. В этом году он был признан одним из ведущих британских хирургов по реконструкции молочной железы в Руководстве «Хорошие врачи» Daily Mail .

В дополнение к своей клинической практике, г-н Рамакришнан также посещает профессора пластической хирургии в Университете Англии Раскина и руководителя курса по микрохирургии, в котором участвуют стипендиаты из Европы, Австралии, Новой Зеландии и Индии. Его исследования в настоящее время сосредоточены на результатах после реконструктивной хирургии молочной железы, и он регулярно представляет свои работы на национальных и международных конференциях.

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