Artículos del doctor: Mr Venkat Ramakrishnan Более 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Considering having your breast implants removed and replaced? Here's what you should know

You may be considering a replacement or removal of your breast implants if you have had them for more than 15 years. In our latest article, highly esteemed Brentwood-based consultant breast surgeon, Mr Venkat Ramakrishnan, answers all of your frequently asked questions about a breast removal and replacement procedure.

How long does breast reconstruction take following a mastectomy?

Breast reconstruction is now a routine process following a mastectomy, but patients often want to know how long it will be before the process is complete and they can feel like their breasts are back to normal. We spoke to esteemed plastic surgeon Mr Venkat Ramakrishnan, who has an international reputation for microsurgical breast reconstruction.

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