Effectively tackling type 2 diabetes through diet and lifestyle changes

Escrito por: Dr Fareeha Rizvi
Editado por: Karolyn Judge

Learn all about the successful type 2 diabetes reversal programme created by Dr Fareeha Rizvi, leading consultant in endocrinology, diabetes and general internal medicine, in this informative article.

Man who has had his type 2 diabetes successfully go into remission

What are the key features and benefits of your Type 2 diabetes program?

My expertly created prediabetes and type 2 diabetes reversal program focuses on crucial diet and lifestyle changes to be able to reverse the condition without medication.



How does your program differ from other approaches to managing prediabetes and type 2 diabetes?

In the medical world, so often patients and doctors don’t have enough time together to explore the root physical, social or psychological causes of prediabetes, or type 2 diabetes.


My 90-day pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes reversal program adopts a person centred, holistic approach to overhaul diet and lifestyle to get rid of this otherwise chronic and life-limiting disease.



What strategies or techniques does your program employ to help individuals with prediabetes/type 2 diabetes achieve better health outcomes?

Our unique 90-day program is the only program of its kind, which is headed up by a practising clinical diabetologist. I use all of my day-to-day clinical knowledge, along with health coaching approaches and specialist dietician input to help people achieve the best possible health outcome.



How has your Type 2 Diabetes program positively impacted the lives of its participants, and what specific changes have they experienced as a result of completing the program?

I also have a long-standing live health phone-in on Sky Channel 737, during where I answer specific questions related to diet, lifestyle and medication. The show has hundreds of thousands of viewers each week and has many live testimonials of patients who have implemented her tips and guidance to achieve reversal of their prediabetes and type two diabetes.



How can interested individuals enrol or learn more about your type 2 diabetes program?

People can apply to enrol onto the exclusive, limited 90-day reversal program at Stan.store/Diabetescare.


I also have a dedicated social media presence for my 90-day diabetes reversal program, and if anyone is interested they're able to learn more on my channels. My team and I post content every day, and this can be found on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok using the handle @DiabetescarewithDrFRizvi, as well as on LinkedIn and Facebook. 




Arrange a consultation with Dr Rizvi via her Top Doctors profile.

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Dr Fareeha Rizvi

Por Dr Fareeha Rizvi

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