Hand and wrist injuries: When surgery offers the best solution

Escrito por: Top Doctors®
Editado por: Conor Lynch

Hand and wrist injuries are common and can significantly impact daily activities, from simple tasks like writing to more complex movements required for work and sports. While many injuries heal with rest, physical therapy, or non-surgical treatments, certain conditions require surgical intervention to restore function, alleviate pain, and prevent long-term complications.

Surgery may be necessary in cases of severe fractures, ligament tears, tendon injuries, or nerve compression syndromes such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Complex fractures, especially those involving the wrist bones (such as the scaphoid), often require surgical fixation using plates, screws, or pins to ensure proper healing and prevent long-term stiffness or arthritis. Similarly, torn ligaments, like in a wrist sprain or a thumb’s ulnar collateral ligament (skier’s thumb), may need surgical repair to restore stability.


Tendon injuries, such as flexor or extensor tendon lacerations, often require surgery to reconnect the torn ends and allow the hand to regain full function. Additionally, conditions like trigger finger, which causes painful locking of the fingers, may be treated with a minor surgical procedure to release the affected tendon. Nerve compression conditions, including carpal and cubital tunnel syndromes, sometimes necessitate surgery to relieve pressure on the nerves and prevent permanent damage.


Surgical outcomes for hand and wrist injuries are generally positive when followed by proper rehabilitation. Post-surgery, physical therapy is often recommended to regain strength, flexibility, and coordination. While non-surgical treatments remain the first line of care, surgery provides the best solution when conservative methods fail or when the injury is too severe for natural healing. Consulting a specialist ensures the best treatment plan for long-term recovery and optimal hand function.

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