How often should I get my eyes checked?

Escrito por: Mr CT Pillai
Publicado: | Actualizado: 17/07/2019
Editado por: Lisa Heffernan

Depending on whether you’re a newborn baby or you have diabetes, the number of eye examinations you’ll need each year will vary. To break it down for us, we asked Dr CT Pillai how often we need to have an eye test and what we can expect from one.​

How often do children need an eye test?

Newborn babies are often checked for any obvious physical problems 72 hours after birth and again at age 6-8 weeks and sometimes 1-2 years after that. However, this is dependent on where you live and whether there are sufficient funds to provide the service.

If you’re not concerned about your child’s eyesight and do not suspect any problems, it is recommended that children have an eye test before they start school. Once a year is adequate thereafter, however, your optometrist will advise you on how often your child needs a test depending on the test results.

A sight test is particularly important if there is a family history of childhood eye problems such as lazy eye or a squint. If any eye problems are detected, these can either be managed by your local optometrist or if necessary the child will be referred to a paediatric eye clinic at the nearest hospital. It’s important to look for any signs of eye problems and seek advice if you are concerned.

Signs of possible eye problems can include things like:

  • The eyes not pointing in the same direction
  • Difficulty seeing when reading
  • Headaches or eyestrain
  • Being clumsy or lacking hand-eye coordination.

Speak to your optometrist if you have any concerns about your child's eyes or vision. The earlier a problem is detected the better because treatment is easier while vision is still developing.

How often should adults have an eye test?

It’s recommended that adults between the ages of 18 and 70 have a routine eye test once every two years. The frequency of check-ups will vary of course if there are other conditions that need to be monitored like diabetes, hypertension and glaucoma.

If there is a family history of glaucoma, annual screening is advised. This is because there is a hereditary link with glaucoma and it is important to screen for this by measuring the intraocular pressure and health of the eye and performing a peripheral vision test. This triage of tests is sufficient to detect glaucoma. Anyone over the age of 40 who has a direct family history of glaucoma is entitled to a free NHS sight test every year.

The elderly and diabetics

Anyone over the age of 60 in the UK is entitled to a free NHS sight test every 2 years. From the age of 70, it’s advisable to test your sight annually, which is also free under the NHS. Eye tests are vital to screen for any age-related eye conditions which are common among the elderly, like cataracts, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration or AMD. If you are over the age of 60 and notice changes in your vision, it’s recommended to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Diabetics are recommended to attend eye screenings every year, which is provided for under the NHS. This is to monitor the back of the eye and to check for any prescription fluctuations.

Most diabetic patients will be under a diabetic screening programme which can be arranged with their G.P.

What can I expect from an eye test?

Firstly, your optometrist will ask you some questions about any visual symptoms you may have and about your general health.

Your vision will be checked, followed by a refraction test, which is used to see if you require glasses or not. Your optometrist will check the health of the eyes by shining a light into them and with the use of a microscope.

Intraocular pressure is measured, normally with a little puff of air which is gently blown onto the eye. Muscle function and your pupil responses will be checked and any other relevant tests will be carried out, depending on whether or not it is a routine check-up or there is anything in particular that you are concerned about.

Some optician practices will take a photo of the back of your eye to monitor your eyes at each visit. At the end, your optometrist will give you any recommendations in terms of glasses or eye care, as well as a recommended recall period.

What signs mean you need an eye exam?

There are no specific symptoms to look out for as they vary so vastly from person to person. Anything out of the ordinary with regards to the eyes should be checked. Examples include symptoms such as blurry vision, double vision, ocular pain, headaches, eyestrain, visual field problems and sore/itchy/irritated eyes. It’s always better to be safe and to get your eyes checked rather than leave symptoms go unaddressed.

Dr CT Pillai performs eye exams for those seeking vision correction treatment. If you’d like to book a private consultation, visit his profile via Top Doctors.

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Mr CT Pillai

Por Mr CT Pillai

Г-н CT Pillai является одним из самых опытных лазерных хирургов глаза в Великобритании, выполнив более 30 000 процедур LASIK , LASEK и PRK за 25-летнюю карьеру. Хирургические навыки г-на Пиллая и запись очень низкого уровня осложнений широко приветствовались в специализированных журналах, таких как журнал катарактальной и рефракционной хирургии, глаз, IOVS, оптика и косметическая хирургия. Он является медицинским директором и основателем Advanced Vision Care , ведущей независимой клиники хирургии глаза, с мировой репутацией высокого уровня успеха и обширного послеоперационного ухода.

Получив квалификацию в Мадрасском университете в 1980 году, г-н Пиллаи переехал в Великобританию и стал стипендиатом Королевского колледжа офтальмологов в 1990 году. После обширного обучения у всемирно признанных хирургов в Греции, Великобритании и США он стал одним из несколько хирургов в Великобритании получили стипендию в области хирургии роговицы и рефракционной хирургии. Г-н Пиллаи известен как один из первых хирургов в Великобритании, который провел двустороннюю операцию LASIK, обрабатывая оба глаза в один и тот же день.

Будучи медицинским директором Advanced Vision Care, г-н Пиллаи стремится предоставлять беспристрастные услуги, независимые от какого-либо одного производителя линз. За последние 15 лет он создал уникальную сеть офтальмологов, чтобы обеспечить индивидуальный уход за пациентом, где бы он ни находился в Великобритании. Под его руководством клиника получает отличные отзывы пациентов и выдающиеся результаты - у 99% пациентов зрение достигает 20/20 или выше.

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