Navigating heartburn: Recognising signs of concern

Escrito por: Mr Paul Goldsmith
Editado por: Kate Forristal

Ever wondered if your occasional heartburn is more than just run-of-the-mill acid reflux? While most times it's nothing to worry about, some symptoms might need a closer look. In his latest online article, Mr Paul Goldsmith explores when occasional heartburn could be a sign for concern and what steps you can take.

Is my occasional heartburn just acid reflux, or could it be something more serious?

On most occasions typical symptoms of acid reflux are just that – acid reflux, but it may well be necessary to perform investigations such as a gastroscopy – a camera test through the mouth to make sure this is the case. Some symptoms that can be associated with reflux such as dysphagia (difficulty swallowing – food sticking in the oesophagus) and weight loss will nearly always require some investigations to rule out alternative diagnoses.


I have tried lifestyle changes for acid reflux, but they haven't helped. What are my other options?

Once you have tried the lifestyle changes which include cutting out certain foods and drinks such as spice, citrus, alcohol and caffeine, you can then try sleeping with your bed slightly elevated at the head end or trying not to eat too late. Other options are to try and lose weight if that is an issue for you or stop smoking. If these don’t work you can look at medical management which includes different types of medications or potentially surgery.


I am worried about the long-term effects of acid reflux. Should I be concerned?

Many people have reflux and a majority do not get any long-term effects of acid reflux. However, there are potential risks associated with reflux. These can be lung related with issues such as asthma, cough, pneumonia or ear, nose and throat issues such as voice changes or sore throat. Damage to the oesophagus can also occur ranging from inflammation of the oesophagus-oesophagitis to Barrett’s oesophagus and strictures.


Mr Paul Goldsmith is an esteemed upper GI surgeon. You can schedule an appointment with Mr Goldsmith on his Top Doctors profile.

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Por Mr Paul Goldsmith
общая хирургия

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