Q&A with a Dental Confidence patient: Implants and a solution to a long-term health problem

Escrito por: Dr Peter Sanders
Publicado: | Actualizado: 20/12/2023
Editado por: Emma McLeod

Jeff Greenleaf is a patient of Dr Peter Sanders, renowned dental implantologist at the Dental Confidence clinic, who recently had implant treatment. As well as discovering the benefits of dental implants as a solution to tooth loss, Jeff’s treatment also put an end to a health problem he had lived with for over five years.


A dentist chair for patients to sit in, quite similar to one a patient at Dental Confidence would find.


What were the dental issues you were experiencing?


Many years ago, I had a back tooth removed. It was a very difficult extraction and as a result, some of the root of this tooth remained. I was told that these would eventually dissolve and that it wasn’t a problem, so, I didn’t think any more about it. Then in May 2019, I had an abscess in the adjacent tooth and discovered I had an infection under the root canal. A root canal specialist explained that it was cracked down to the bottom of the root and therefore irreparable.


Because my wisdom teeth had been removed, I already had little for my top teeth to bite down upon on the right side, and so I had been forced to chew on the other side of my mouth. Another gap would have made this significantly more difficult, and I knew implants would be the best solution.


What made you choose Dental Confidence?


When I returned to my general dentist, they referred me to Dr Peter Sanders. My wife already had implants placed with Dr Sanders the year before and spoke very highly of Peter. She was highly impressed with the end result and the lack of pain throughout the procedure, so I was very confident. Of course, I knew nothing of implants, but Peter sent me a plan of what he proposed to do with descriptive leaflets. He explained every step of the process.


Tell us about the overall procedure…


After the first X-ray, Dr Sanders showed me that there were indeed remaining roots and that they had not dissolved. In fact, the roots were now buried in the jawbone as it had grown over the years. Whilst doing the extraction, Peter said he could remove the remaining roots and even had a special tool for doing this. It was very quick and painless. Dr Sanders then said, "All roots have been removed - and so has the infection", which was an interesting statement, as back in 2014, I developed a nasty illness with flu-like symptoms. I was shivering, had muscle aches and fatigue. This went on for 6 months. I saw doctors, and my CRP and ESR levels were at 85 but were supposed to be below 5 – and this lasted for 6 months.


I had a total of 14 blood tests, several full-body examinations, CRT scans- and they just couldn’t figure out what I had- they found nothing. Since 2015, I was caught in a cycle- I’d routinely go to the gym, get fit, and then come down with the same flu symptoms for 10 days. Then I would recover for 3 weeks, regain fitness, then become ill again, and this cycle continued for over five years.


That is, until I visited Dr Sanders, as once those roots were taken away, it all stopped. It turned out the fragments of root were causing an infection into my system. Now, I’ve been going to the gym continuously without any symptoms. I was delighted to have an answer to my illness and for it to stop.


How did you find the surgery?


The technology Dr Sanders uses is just amazing. My background is in Physics -I have a PhD in Molecular Physics- but I have spent a lifetime working in computing and was at IBM for 27 years working in their development labs, so I know a bit about computing. I was truly amazed at the technology at Dental Confidence.


They have an X-ray scanning machine which provides 3D images of your mouth, and a camera that is on a wand that takes many high definition graphical 3D images from inside your mouth. On that basis, the teeth are manufactured to incredibly high accuracy and specification. To be honest, the whole procedure was performed perfectly.


How did the final implant feel?


When the final crown was placed on the implant, it fits amazingly well. In fact, it’s hard to tell which are not my teeth. It was great to finally chew on that right side; it felt like I had my original teeth back.


How would you summarise your experience?


Peter is clearly an expert in his field and it’s brilliant how he uses such a high standard of technology to provide so many patient benefits. I believe he is a highly qualified and capable professional. He has built an extremely well-trained and friendly team around him, which also counts for a great deal. Overall, my experience at Dental Confidence was excellent – I’d have no hesitation in recommending them as a dental implant practice.



Click here to learn how Dr Sanders can help you with your dental needs.

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Dr Peter Sanders

Por Dr Peter Sanders

Доктор Питер Сандерс - уважаемый и влиятельный стоматолог с заслуженной репутацией одного из ведущих имплантологов Великобритании.

Доктор Сандерс работает практикующим стоматологом с 1981 года и начал обучение имплантации в 1997 году, где он учился в Истманском стоматологическом институте в Лондоне . В 2005 году он стал первым стоматологом в регионе, получившим диплом имплантата Королевского колледжа хирургов. В последующие годы он стал директором программы и экзаменатором этого курса. В настоящее время он является президентом выпускников Implant Diploma и бывшим президентом Британского общества передовой стоматологии.

В 2009 году доктор Сандерс получил степень магистра в области имплантологии, а в 2011 году получил стипендию факультета общей стоматологической практики. Доктор Сандерс является научным сотрудником Международного колледжа стоматологов и в настоящее время является главным экзаменатором Европейского магистра наук по имплантологической стоматологии в Университете Рей Хуана Карлоса в Мадриде.

Д-р Сандерс, впервые внедривший метод внутриротовой сварки в Великобритании, является британским послом по созданию инновационной техники имплантации. Он был первым в Великобритании стоматологом, применившим метод загрузки имплантатов, основанный на принципе контактной точечной сварки. Сейчас он тренирует и наставляет тех, кто хочет практиковать новый улучшенный восстановительный протокол. В 2018 году он также был назначен глобальным инструктором Zimmer Biomet. Доктор Сандерс также регулярно выступает на различных ключевых профессиональных мероприятиях на международном уровне.

Будучи клиническим руководителем в Dental Confidence Ltd в Саутгемптоне, он занимается исключительно имплантацией. Д-р Сандерс также разработал комплексную практическую программу наставничества в области имплантатов, разработанную, чтобы помочь развивать развитие практикующих стоматологов, улучшая их знания, уверенность и компетентность в области имплантологии. Его наставничество направлено исключительно на привлечение всей стоматологической команды, чтобы позволить участвующим стоматологам включить стоматологическую имплантологию в свою сферу практики.

Помимо своего клинического опыта, доктор Сандерс был первым стоматологом во всем мире, чья практика позволила ему достичь стандарта управления качеством ISO9000.

Питер - активный отец четверых детей с шестью внуками, увлекающимися лыжным спортом, велосипедным спортом и мотоциклом, пением и классической гитарой

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