the most common knee injuries in sports

Escrito por: Mr Mark Dunbar
Publicado: | Actualizado: 28/06/2023
Editado por: Lisa Heffernan

The most common sports injuries of the knee are from overuse, poor technique or damage to soft tissue structures like ligaments or the meniscus (shock absorbing cartilage) of the knee. Fractures can happen but they won’t be as common as the injuries mentioned above.

Orthopaedic surgeon in Birmingham, Mr Mark Dunbar talks about these common sports injuries and the sports most likely to cause injury.



Overuse injuries in relation to inflammation and tendonitis are the most common knee injuries. Following this, the second most common injury would be a tear in the meniscus, followed by an anterior cruciate ligament tear brought on by twisting movements while playing sports.


What sports cause the most injuries?

Football causes the most sports injuries and netball has the highest rate of injury per player per hour. This is due to the twisting and stopping action required while playing, with women having a higher rate of injury than men.


Why would I have knee pain after running?

Pain in the knee after running is commonly due to overuse and poor technique. Often the pain is caused by inflammation or tendonitis but this can be corrected with proper training, physiotherapy and by improving technique. Supportive footwear is also recommended.


Why would cycling cause knee pain?

Cycling can cause knee injuries if there is pre-existing arthritis or tendonitis present in the knee. Cycling may flare up the inflammation, or a person might suffer knee pain due to overuse if they are cycling a lot and using incorrect techniques. However, for the most part, cycling is a good way to strengthen your quadriceps (quads) if your leg muscles are in good shape.


How long does it take knee injuries to heal?

A torn meniscus or meniscus tear often won’t heal on its own. Once the tear starts to cause regular catching or locking of the knee or there is a sudden trauma to the knee, the tear is best treated by a highly qualified orthopaedic surgeon such as Mr Dunbar who regularly performs arthroscopic surgery for meniscus tears. Some knee surgeons can repair a torn meniscus, and if successful, can protect the knee from developing arthritis at a later stage. However, sometimes the meniscus has to be removed.


For anterior cruciate ligament tears, cruciate ligament reconstruction needs to be considered if there are regular episodes of giving way, this surgery can also be performed arthroscopically.


How long should you stop sports after a knee injury?

After meniscus surgery, you can return to sports training two to three months after your operation. Returning to sports after an anterior cruciate ligament surgery generally takes longer. Recovery time with overuse injuries varies on the person and the extent of the injury.


Age can be a baring factor when it comes to recovery, with younger people healing faster than older people. Currently, there are experiments being carried out to accelerate the healing process using growth factors, but these experiments are still in their early stages. Growth factor therapy is available in the UK but more evidence needs to be gathered to have a clearer picture of its efficacy.


Have you injured your knee playing sports? Contact Mr Mark Dunbar for a full consultation.

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Por Mr Mark Dunbar

Г-н Марк Данбар - ведущий консультант- ортопед-хирург, базирующийся в Бирмингемской области, который специализируется на лечении колена . Области его компетенции включают замену коленного сустава , артроскопию коленного сустава и операцию связки коленных суставов .

Г-н Данбар окончил медицинскую степень в Оксфордском университете и преследовал как его раннюю, так и профессиональную травму и ортопедическую подготовку в Уэст-Мидлендсе. Он работает в области исследований и дополнил кандидатскую диссертацию в Университете Уорвика в 2009 году. Будучи почетным доцентом в университете, его исследовательская работа продолжается, и г-н Данбар гордится тем, что способен использовать самое высокое качество доказательств, доступных для информирования о решении в его клинической практике.

Г-н Данбар вернулся в Оксфорд, чтобы тренироваться на коленях, где он мог сосредоточить свой опыт, чтобы его практика была основана исключительно на проблемах, влияющих на колено, предлагая клиники и выполняя операции как в Солихалле, так и в Саттон-Колфилд.

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