The OAD Clinic: Providing world-leading alcohol addiction treatment in uncertain times

Escrito por: Dr Oscar D’Agnone
Publicado: | Actualizado: 14/07/2021
Editado por: Karolyn Judge

This past year, many people’s drinking habits have been significantly affected by the unfortunate restrictions as a consequence of COVID.  

This change has been for the worse for a large amount of people. Stress, anxiety and coping with what seems like a never-ending certainty or just spending more time at home, are some of the reasons why alcohol consumption may have increased or happened when it previously didn’t.

Various studies have shown that there is a significant increase in drinking alcohol among men and women of all ages in the UK. Demand for support has in turn lead to longer waiting times in the NHS, so an alternative option would be to visit The OAD Clinic.

Founder, and internationally-renowned psychiatrist, academic and author, Dr Oscar D’agnone, leads a committed team which offers patients the latest world-class support and treatments for mental health and alcohol addiction.


Woman and man sat at table holding hands and talking


Where is The OAD Clinic and what does it offer?

The clinic, a short walk from Sloane Square in central London, has a well-established outpatient centre for mental health and addiction. It has been open throughout the pandemic, which has enabled The OAD Clinic team to provide their expert service to a growing intake of patients from around the UK and globally. 



What other addiction and mental health support does The OAD Clinic offer?

The OAD Clinic specialises in:

  • Alcohol recovery
  • Drug and painkiller addiction
  • ADHD
  • Trauma
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Complex pain

We pride ourselves in our personalised and holistic approach. We believe in treating people, not conditions or disorders.



What’s the difference between a full-time rehab facility and outpatient treatment for alcohol addiction? 

The team is confident that outpatient treatment is the best option despite many not thinking beyond traditional ‘rehab’ or ‘detox’ options should we need to stop drinking alcohol. Outpatients provides the opportunity to access treatment that fits around a person’s work, study or family so they are able to still live in the community and engage in day-to-day life.

Also, residential treatment is a big commitment, regarding both time and finance. Intensive clinical interventions may be more suited for this but outpatients should always be considered as the first choice.



Can you provide more detail about The OAD Clinic’s alcohol addiction programmes?

Initially, a comprehensive assessment for all programmes takes place. A consultant psychiatrist formulates an individual treatment plan based on the assessment.

A complete spectrum of needs is covered, including:

  • Medication-assisted detox
  • Building a healthier relationship with alcohol
  • Relapse prevention

All interventions are delivered by doctors and therapists on a one-to-one basis, in person or online, regardless of the overall goal of the programme.

The OAD Clinic’s programmes consider individual and family needs, as patients are always encouraged to involve their loved ones in their treatment journey.

They consist of a tailored combination of:

  • Medical treatment
  • Psychotherapy
  • Workshops
  • Family or couple sessions

The clinic offers SoberLife for people in early recovery, which is a unique cloud-based alcohol monitoring system. It uses a discreet breathalyser with facial recognition technology. The results, which are realtime, are sent to the patient, their family and clinician. This assists in providing accountability and ultimately achieving long-term recovery.

SoberLife is a popular part of relapse treatment and can also be used for legal cases where sobriety needs to be evidenced.



How long do I have to wait for an appointment at The OAD Clinic?

The OAD Clinic can offer same-day consultation, diagnosis and, if needed, treatment beginning on the same day. We have no waiting times and can offer treatments not currently available on the NHS. Plus, all major health insurance policies and self-funding patients are accepted.



To start your journey to a happier and healthier future, visit Dr Oscar D’Agnone’s Top Doctors profile where you can get in touch with him and The OAD Clinic in the strictest of confidence.

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Por Dr Oscar D’Agnone

Доктор Оскар Д'Аннон, доктор медицинских наук, MRCPsych - один из самых авторитетных и уважаемых психиатров и специалистов по медицинской зависимости в Великобритании, специализирующийся на тревожных расстройствах , зависимостях , связанных с алкоголем проблемах , травмах (ПТСР), депрессии и СДВГ . В настоящее время он является генеральным директором и медицинским директором Seagrave Healthcare / The OAD Clinic, ведущего частного учреждения, предоставляющего психиатрическую помощь и лечение наркомании в центре Лондона уже более 15 лет.

До ноября 2018 года д-р Аньоне был почетным профессором факультета медицинских и гуманитарных наук Манчестерского университета, членом Королевского колледжа психиатров и Международного общества медицины наркомании.

Имея более чем 35-летний опыт работы в качестве психиатра-консультанта по лечению пациентов с проблемами психического здоровья и наркомании, доктор Д'Аннон предоставляет комплексные психонейрофармакологические вмешательства для управления или разрешения сложных ситуаций для своих пациентов и их семей, страдающих от последствий проблем с психическим здоровьем. На протяжении своей карьеры он занимал многие руководящие должности, руководя большими командами врачей, медсестер и психологов в различных лечебных учреждениях по всей Европе и Америке. В результате он получил богатый клинический опыт, который позволил ему разработать и предложить проблемно-ориентированный прагматический подход к разнообразным фармакологическим и психосоциальным вмешательствам для своих пациентов.

Доктор Д'Агнон преподавал во многих европейских и американских университетах и институтах, опубликовал множество медицинских статей и книг о вредных привычках и широко публиковался в профессиональной медицинской прессе. Кроме того, он часто выступает на заметных национальных и международных научных конференциях и является старшим советником для различных правительств и фармацевтических компаний по вопросам стратегической стратегии и исследований и разработок новых лекарств.

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