Understanding eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR)

Escrito por: Dr Sarah Barker
Editado por: Lauren Dempsey

Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) is a treatment for stress disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It has been recognised in treatment guidelines published by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, the World Health Organization, and numerous other organisations both national and international. Highly experienced London-based consultant clinical psychologist Dr Sarah Barker shares her expertise on the treatment.  



What is EMDR? 

EMDR can be a useful treatment for many things. A lot of people seek EMDR therapy for a specific trauma or complex trauma which covers adverse childhood experiences over a longer period of time. People also find EMDR useful for anxiety, depression, OCD, addiction issues, grief, phobias, and chronic pain. There is now an extensive body of research on the benefits of EMDR for many mental health issues.


What conditions or symptoms can EMDR treat? 

EMDR can be a useful treatment for many things. A lot of people seek EMDR therapy for a specific trauma or complex trauma which covers adverse childhood experiences over a longer period of time. People also find EMDR useful for anxiety, depression, OCD, addiction issues, grief, phobias, and chronic pain.  There is now an extensive body of research on the benefits of EMDR for many mental health issues. 


What are the different phases of EMDR treatment? 

EMDR uses a structured eight phase approach:

  1. history and treatment planning
  2. preparation with specific techniques to cope with emotional disturbance, the time of this differs according to client need
  3. assessment of the target memory and baseline measures
  4. desensitisation
  5. installation of positive cognition
  6. body scan
  7. closure evaluation


What is the effect of EMDR on the brain? 

EMDR bilateral stimulation (moving your eyes side to side) mimics slow-wave sleep, calming the amygdala and allowing it to synchronise with the rest of the brain, thus allowing your brain to process a traumatic memory. What we do in therapy (move your eyes side to side), is what you do every night when you dream.


How does EMDR differ from CBT (cognitive behavioural treatment)? 

Both EMDR and trauma-focused CBT are effective treatments. EMDR involves eye movements, sounds, and taps in its procedure while CBT does not. In CBT you would desensitise yourself to the narrative about the trauma, address unhelpful beliefs and thoughts and take a graded approach to address avoidance and unwanted behaviours. In EMDR the bilateral stimulation enables you to gain distance from upsetting memories and often helps people to more fully understand why they acted in a particular way so they can feel more compassionate towards themselves.



How effective is EMDR? 

There are many meta-analyses that show that EMDR is effective. Typically clients report feeling calmer, no longer experiencing the world as threatening and overwhelming, feeling more emotionally present for loved ones, and having better sleep. People start to engage in things they may have avoided for years. EMDR therapy is recognized as an evidence-based treatment for PTSD and other disorders in treatment guidelines published by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, the World Health Organisation, and NICE which approves treatments in the UK.


Is it suitable for children? 

Yes, there is extensive research on EMDR with children. It is really important to find a therapist who is specifically trained to work with children using EMDR. I do not work with children as my area of specialism.


Dr Sarah Barker is an esteemed, London-based consultant clinical psychologist. If you would like to book a consultation with her, you can do so by visiting her Top Doctors profile today.  

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Por Dr Sarah Barker

Доктор Сара Баркер - эксперт-консультант клинического психолога из Лондона с более чем 20-летним опытом работы . Она специализируется на хронической боли , зубных фобиях , посттравматическом стрессовом расстройстве , физическом здоровье , тревоге и депрессии .

Д-р Баркер имеет большой опыт работы с отдельными людьми, группами, семьями и парами для лечения широкого спектра психологических и физических состояний. Она прошла дополнительное обучение по когнитивно-поведенческой терапии и системной терапии и недавно заинтересовалась внимательностью, приемом и приверженностью терапии , что привело к ее публикации исследований о нарративных подходах, хронической боли и хронических заболеваниях. Д-р Баркер также прошла обучение на уровне I и II по EMDR, которое она считает полезным для лечения травмы, которая может быть причиной хронического заболевания.

Что касается хронической боли и зубной тревоги, доктор Баркер занимает должность в NHS в больнице Кингс-Колледжа, которая занимается пациентами с хронической лицевой болью. Она также разрабатывает когнитивно-поведенческую терапию для пациентов, страдающих этим типом боли, проводя качественные исследования, чтобы более подробно оценить влияние ятрогенного повреждения нерва, например, от хирургической травмы. Она также разработала многодисциплинарный дневной семинар для пациентов с повреждением тройничного нерва после многих лет клинических и управленческих должностей, связанных с амбулаторным лечением и лечением боли в домашних условиях.

Она также является активным членом Британского психологического общества, факультета клинической психологии здоровья, отделения клинической психологии и Британского общества боли.

HCPC : PYL02061

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