When is chest pain related to your heart? Red flags and signs to look for

Escrito por: Dr Nicholas Robinson
Publicado: | Actualizado: 16/12/2024
Editado por: Karolyn Judge

Chest pain is a common symptom that can range from mild discomfort to a severe and alarming sensation. While not all chest pain is heart-related, it’s crucial to identify potential red flags that may indicate a cardiac issue. Knowing when to seek medical attention could be life-saving.


Man with heart-related chest pain


Is all chest pain heart-related?


Chest pain has many possible causes, and not all of them are linked to the heart. Common non-cardiac causes include:

  • Musculoskeletal pain: Strained chest muscles or rib injuries.
  • Gastrointestinal issues: Conditions like acid reflux or oesophageal spasms.
  • Respiratory problems: Such as pleurisy or pneumonia.


However, heart-related chest pain should always be ruled out first due to its potentially life-threatening implications.



Red flags: When chest pain might be heart-related


Heart-related chest pain often presents in distinct ways. Key red flags include:

  1. Pressure or tightness: A feeling of heaviness or squeezing in the chest, often described as "an elephant sitting on the chest."
  2. Radiating pain: Discomfort spreading to the arms, jaw, neck, back or shoulders.
  3. Shortness of breath: Difficulty breathing, even at rest or with minimal exertion.
  4. Nausea and sweating: Accompanying cold sweats, dizziness or vomiting.
  5. Worsening with exertion: Pain that increases during physical activity and eases with rest.
  6. Lasting pain: Discomfort that persists for more than a few minutes or comes and goes in waves.



Conditions to be aware of


Heart-related chest pain can result from various conditions, including:

  • Angina: Caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscles, typically due to coronary artery disease.
  • Heart attack (myocardial infarction): A blockage in the blood supply to the heart, requiring immediate attention.
  • Pericarditis: Inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart, causing sharp pain that may worsen with deep breaths or lying flat.
  • Aortic dissection: A rare but serious condition where the inner layer of the aorta tears, causing sudden, severe chest or back pain.



What to do if you suspect heart-related chest pain


If you or someone else experiences symptoms suggestive of a heart problem:

  • Call emergency services immediately: Don’t wait to see if symptoms improve, especially if red flags are present.
  • Chew an aspirin: If you are not allergic, taking aspirin may help thin the blood while waiting for medical help.
  • Rest and remain calm: Avoid physical exertion until help arrives.


Chest pain is not always a sign of a heart problem, but recognising the red flags of cardiac-related chest pain is critical. If you experience symptoms such as pressure, radiating pain, or breathlessness, seek medical advice without delay. Early intervention can significantly improve outcomes in heart-related conditions. Always prioritise your health and consult a healthcare professional for any unexplained chest discomfort.

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Por Dr Nicholas Robinson
кардиология для взрослых

Доктор Николас Робинсон - высококвалифицированный консультант-кардиолог с более чем 25-летним опытом работы в Лондоне и Эссексе . Он выполнил более 4500 процедур стента с отличными публично опубликованными результатами. Доктор Робинсон окончил Кембриджский университет и продолжил свою клиническую подготовку в крупных престижных учебных центрах в Лондоне . Д-р Робинсон специализируется на диагностике и лечении ангины и сердечного приступа, а также является специалистом по вставке стента.

Во время пребывания в больнице Лондонского госпиталя и больнице Святого Варфоломея доктор Робинсон широко опубликовал информацию об использовании стентов при лечении ишемической болезни, за что он был награжден Британским фондом научных исследований в области сердца и был академическим клиническим лектором.

Помимо оказания помощи многим пациентам с ангиной, сердечной недостаточностью и болью в груди, д-р Робинсон также занимается подготовкой врачей по вопросам коронарного вмешательства и читает лекции на многочисленных национальных и международных конференциях. В настоящее время д-р Робинсон работает в Центре кардиохирургии в Эссексе, где с 2003 года он помог развить услуги по сердечному приступу в этой известной больнице.

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