Осложнения бариатрической хирургии
Post-bariatric surgery and weight gain
Por Mr Ahmed R. Ahmed
After undergoing weight loss surgery and successfully losing weight, one of your biggest concerns may be that you’ll start regaining weight again. Although weight gain at this point is uncommon, it can happen, and sometimes, doctors even expect there to be a little weight gain. A leading London surgeon, Mr Ahmed R Ahmed, explains this in more depth. подробнее
Should we close the internal hernia defects after a gastric bypass?
Por Mr Ali Alhamdani
A gastric bypass operation can be the best way for someone to lose weight, but problems can arise as a result. Discover the pros and cons of closing the mesenteric defect - a hole that can lead to hernias - with top bariatric surgeon Ali Alhamdani. подробнее
Врачи-специалисты в области Осложнения бариатрической хирургии
The Park Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Park Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Sherwood Lodge Drive, Burntstump Country Park, Arnold, Nottinghamshire NG5 8RX
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Top Doctors
The Park Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Sherwood Lodge Drive, Burntstump Country Park, Arnold, Nottinghamshire NG5 8RX, ArnoldЭксперт в области :
- Общая хирургия
- Челюстно-лицевая хирургия
- Хирургическая стоматология
- Пластическая, эстетическая и восстановительная хирургия
- Акушерство и гинекология
- Подология