Анализ крови
Анализ крови
Анализ крови
Blood testing: why is it so important?
Por Dr Hana Patel
It is fairly common to visit your doctor for blood test assessments. However, you may wonder what the real benefits of blood testing are. Leading consultant GP Dr Hana Patel provides an insight into the benefits of blood testing, and how it can help to assess your health status. подробнее
Safeguarding your health: The crucial role of regular blood testing
Por Dr Anshumen Bhagat
In this informative article, we gain valuable insights from esteemed GP Dr Anshumen Bhagat on the importance of routine blood testing in maintaining optimal health and wellbeing. подробнее
5 ways to diagnose high blood pressure
Por Dr Ahmed Elghamaz
Hypertension is very common in our society. By the age of 60 half of our population has high blood pressure. It’s important to keep a check on your current blood pressure level because it can change with time. Leading cardiologist Professor Jamil Mayet explains... подробнее
Low blood count: Causes, management and treatment
Por Dr David Wrench
From fatigue and low energy to a serious risk of dangerous infection, the consequences of a low blood count can vary greatly. Renowned consultant haematologist Dr David Wrench provides an all-you-need-to-know guide to low blood count and what it means for patients in this illuminating article. подробнее
Врачи-специалисты в области Анализ крови
TIC Health The Hive
TIC Health The Hive
Camrose Avenue
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Top Doctors
Vitalis Health Belfast
Vitalis Health Belfast
58 Howard St, Belfast, Northern Ireland
No existe teléfono en el centro.
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Top Doctors
LSDC Healthcare
LSDC Healthcare
23 Widegate St, London E1 7HP, United Kingdom
No existe teléfono en el centro.
Si haces uso de este teléfono facilitado por TOP DOCTORS nos autorizas al tratamiento de tu teléfono para fines estadísticos y comerciales. Para más información, lee nuestra Политика конфиденциальности
Top Doctors
TIC Health The Hive
Camrose Avenue, West LondonЭксперт в области :
- Взрослый диабет
- Детский диабет
- повышенное кровяное давление
- Рука и запястье
- Эндопротезирование
- Проверка здоровья
Vitalis Health Belfast
58 Howard St, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BelfastЭксперт в области :
- Анализ крови
- Проверка здоровья мужчин
- Хирургическая дерматология
- спинальные инъекции
- Женское здоровье
- Спортивная медицина
LSDC Healthcare
23 Widegate St, London E1 7HP, United Kingdom, Central LondonЭксперт в области :
- УЗИ брюшной полости
- ахалазия
- Гастроэнтерология
- воспалительное заболевание кишечника
- гастроэнтерология
- Гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь
- See more