Анализ крови
Анализ крови
Анализ крови
Low blood count: Causes, management and treatment
Por Dr David Wrench
From fatigue and low energy to a serious risk of dangerous infection, the consequences of a low blood count can vary greatly. Renowned consultant haematologist Dr David Wrench provides an all-you-need-to-know guide to low blood count and what it means for patients in this illuminating article. подробнее
How exactly is a cholesterol level test performed?
Por Dr Rajesh Chelliah
Cholesterol is a fatty, wax-like substance that is found naturally in the blood. Too much cholesterol, however, can pose a health risk and increase your chances of heart disease. In this article, esteemed consultant cardiologist Dr Rajesh Chelliah talks about the importance of cholesterol level testing. Dr Chelliah, who treats patients in Leicester and Nottingham, outlines what a cholesterol test entails and what to do if your test results are high. подробнее
How timely blood tests can be transformative for your health
Por Dr Rupert Pemsel
In today's fast-paced society, prioritising your health often falls by the wayside due to time constraints and the lengthy procedures involved in accessing healthcare. Here, renowned GP Dr Rupert Pemsel highlights the significance of swift and convenient blood tests and investigations. подробнее
Can you live a long life with liver disease, and how do hepatologists help?
Por Dr Jeremy Cobbold
Liver disease is a broad term that encompasses a range of conditions affecting the liver, from fatty liver disease and hepatitis to cirrhosis and liver cancer. While liver disease can have serious implications, many individuals can live long and fulfilling lives with proper management and care. Hepatologists—specialists in liver health—play a crucial role in diagnosing, treating, and managing these conditions to optimise outcomes and improve quality of life. подробнее
Врачи-специалисты в области Анализ крови
LSDC Healthcare
LSDC Healthcare
23 Widegate St, London E1 7HP, United Kingdom
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TIC Health The Hive
TIC Health The Hive
Camrose Avenue
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Vitalis Health Belfast
Vitalis Health Belfast
58 Howard St, Belfast, Northern Ireland
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Top Doctors
LSDC Healthcare
23 Widegate St, London E1 7HP, United Kingdom, Central LondonЭксперт в области :
- УЗИ брюшной полости
- ахалазия
- Гастроэнтерология
- воспалительное заболевание кишечника
- гастроэнтерология
- Гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь
TIC Health The Hive
Camrose Avenue, West LondonЭксперт в области :
- Взрослый диабет
- Детский диабет
- повышенное кровяное давление
- Рука и запястье
- Эндопротезирование
- Проверка здоровья
Vitalis Health Belfast
58 Howard St, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BelfastЭксперт в области :
- Анализ крови
- Проверка здоровья мужчин
- Хирургическая дерматология
- спинальные инъекции
- Женское здоровье
- Спортивная медицина
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