Диагностика рака
Cancer: hypnotherapy used as treatment
Por Dr Sarah Partridge
Have you ever experienced hypnosis? Chances are, you have. In this latest article we explain why this is likely to be the case, and how hypnotherapy can be used in a clinical setting—to help support cancer treatment. Find out how it can be used to improve wellbeing. подробнее
Testicular cancer symptoms prognosis treatment
Por Dr Mark Tuthill
Although the incidence of testicular cancer is relatively low on a per-population basis, it is still one of the most commonly found cancers in young men between the ages of 15 and 49 years. So, if you fall within this age range, it is important to check regularly and understand what symptoms to look out for. Mr Mark Tuthill, one of our top consultant medical oncologists from Oxford explains in more depth. подробнее
Sarcoma: Expert insight on the key signs to look out for
Por Mr Thomas Bragg
Highly respected consultant plastic surgeon Mr Thomas Bragg gives an expert guide to the diagnosis and management of sarcoma in this informative article. подробнее
Врачи-специалисты в области Диагностика рака
Gynaecology Care Oxford
Gynaecology Care Oxford
The Manor Hospital, Nuffield Health Oxford, Beech Rd
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Top Doctors
Three Shires Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Three Shires Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Avenue, Northampton NN1 5DR
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Top Doctors
Gynaecology Care Oxford
The Manor Hospital, Nuffield Health Oxford, Beech Rd, OxfordЭксперт в области :
- Эндометриоз
- Акушерство и гинекология
- Вагинальные проблемы
- Лечение рака
Three Shires Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Avenue, Northampton NN1 5DR, NorthamptonЭксперт в области :
- УЗИ брюшной полости
- Абдоминопластика
- прыщи
- Аллергические заболевания носа и уха
- Аллергология
- Расстройства голосовой функции
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