Скрининг сердца

What is cardiac screening?

Cardiac screening is the process of testing for possible medical conditions affecting the heart. Screening is often performed before symptoms have manifested to try and catch any possible problems early.


What does cardiac screening consist of/involve?

Cardiac screening can involve a number of tests that can give an indication that something is wrong with the heart. The following tests may be performed during cardiac screening:


Why is cardiac screening done?

The earlier heart diseases or abnormalities are detected, the quicker they can be treated. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo cardiac screening if you are over the age of 40 or have a family history of heart disease, as these groups of people are at a higher risk of developing a heart condition.


What do abnormal results mean?

Cardiac screening can reveal the presence of various heart-related conditions, from cardiomyopathy to coronary artery disease.

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Скрининг сердца

What is cardiac screening?

Cardiac screening is the process of testing for possible medical conditions affecting the heart. Screening is often performed before symptoms have manifested to try and catch any possible problems early.


What does cardiac screening consist of/involve?

Cardiac screening can involve a number of tests that can give an indication that something is wrong with the heart. The following tests may be performed during cardiac screening:


Why is cardiac screening done?

The earlier heart diseases or abnormalities are detected, the quicker they can be treated. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo cardiac screening if you are over the age of 40 or have a family history of heart disease, as these groups of people are at a higher risk of developing a heart condition.


What do abnormal results mean?

Cardiac screening can reveal the presence of various heart-related conditions, from cardiomyopathy to coronary artery disease.

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