Халазион - это воспаление века, оно вызвано закупоркой в мейбомиальной железе.
лечение халазион
Халазион - это воспаление века, оно вызвано закупоркой в мейбомиальной железе.
FAQs on Chalazions
Por Mr Colin Vize
We spoke with Mr Colin Vize, a leading ophthalmologist based in East Yorkshire to discuss the effectiveness of chalazion surgery. In this latest article, we find out the answers to some frequently asked questions on this topic. Find out whether chalazions are dangerous and whether surgery to treat them is painful. подробнее
Chalazion: a complete guide
Por Mr Daniel Ezra
Our eyelids are made up of lots of different types of tissue, which can each give rise to varying forms of eyelid lumps. By far the most common type of eyelid lump is the chalazion. Mr Daniel Ezra, a top ophthalmic surgeon, gives a summary of chalazion lumps and how they can be treated. подробнее
What causes puffy eyes?
Por Miss Vickie Lee
We can all get puffy eyes from time to time. However, when it becomes a long-term problem or affects your vision, it’s time to consult a specialist. Expert ophthalmologist Miss Vickie Lee explains what causes puffy eyes and how to get rid of them. подробнее
What’s the difference between a chalazion and a stye?
Por Mr Jimmy Uddin
We spoke to leading ophthalmologist, Mr Jimmy Uddin, to find out what the fastest way is to get rid of chalazions and styes. подробнее
Врачи-специалисты в области лечение халазион
Syon Clinic - part of Circle Health Group
Syon Clinic - part of Circle Health Group
941 Great West Rd, Brentford TW8 9DU
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Top Doctors
The Chiltern Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Chiltern Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
London Rd, Great Missenden HP16 0EN
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Top Doctors
London International Patient Services (LIPS)
London International Patient Services (LIPS)
5 Devonshire Place, W1G 6HL
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Top Doctors
Syon Clinic - part of Circle Health Group
941 Great West Rd, Brentford TW8 9DU, West LondonЭксперт в области :
- Аллергические заболевания носа и уха
- Аллергические заболевания кожи
- Аллергология
- Клинический анализ
- тревожность
- Гастроэнтерология
The Chiltern Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
London Rd, Great Missenden HP16 0EN, Great MissendenЭксперт в области :
- Аллергические заболевания глаз
- Клинический анализ
- рак
- Рак молочной железы
- Рак кожи
- Рак предстательной железы
London International Patient Services (LIPS)
5 Devonshire Place, W1G 6HL, W1G Marylebone LondonЭксперт в области :
- Ортопедическая хирургия позвоночника
- Пластическая, эстетическая и восстановительная хирургия
- Рука и запястье
- Оториноларингологía
- Нога и лодыжка
- коленный
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