Sex after giving birth: how long should I wait?
Por Dr Shazia Malik
Having a baby is a life-changing experience that impacts a woman physically, mentally and emotionally. For some women, getting back to their pre-birth routine is a somewhat straightforward experience, while for others, it is more of a challenge. One factor that women may struggle with after giving birth is engaging in sexual intercourse, often wondering when is the right time to do so. Distinguished consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr Shazia Malik is here to answer any doubts you may have. подробнее
Vaginal birth or C-section? Pros and cons
Por Mr Keith Duncan
Vaginal birth or C-section? Mr Keith Duncan, a consultant obstetrician who has delivered well over 3,000 babies during his career, describes the pros and cons of each procedure for any uncertain mother-to-be. подробнее
What is the difference between delivery and labour?
Por Ms Vinita Singh
When it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, have you ever wondered what the main difference between labour and delivery is? On hand to tell us is revered consultant obstetrician, Ms Vinita Singh. подробнее
Diagnosing vaginal prolapse: Is your quality of life being affected?
Por Professor Stergios Doumouchtsis
Chronic infections and disruption to the bladder's normal functioning can result from vaginal prolapse. Fortunately, there are a variety of forms of treatment available for women looking to resolve troublesome symptoms of the condition. Leading consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist Professor Stergios Doumouchtsis gives expert insight on how vaginal prolapse is diagnosed and treated in this illuminating article. подробнее
Врачи-специалисты в области Роды
Dr Duncan Birth - Mr Keith Duncan
Dr Duncan Birth - Mr Keith Duncan
212 Great Portland Street, London. W1W 5AH
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Top Doctors
Westminster Bridge Consulting Rooms at St Thomas' Hospital Private Healthcare.
Westminster Bridge Consulting Rooms at St Thomas' Hospital Private Healthcare.
Westminster Bridge Road, London
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Top Doctors
The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
205 - 209 Great Portland St. W1W 5AH
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Top Doctors
Dr Duncan Birth - Mr Keith Duncan
212 Great Portland Street, London. W1W 5AH, Central LondonЭксперт в области :
- беременность
- Многоплодная беременность
Westminster Bridge Consulting Rooms at St Thomas' Hospital Private Healthcare.
Westminster Bridge Road, London , SE1 South Bank LondonЭксперт в области :
- Общая хирургия
- ортопедическая хирургия
- Пластическая, эстетическая и восстановительная хирургия
- эндокринология
- Акушерство и гинекология
- Педиатрия
The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
205 - 209 Great Portland St. W1W 5AH, Central LondonЭксперт в области :
- Неврологическая хирургия позвоночника
- Ортопедическая хирургия позвоночника
- Материнство
- беременность
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- Экстракорпоральное оплодотворение (ЭКО)
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